THE COMPLETE LIST OF MAD Magazine's 20 Dumbest People, Events and Things of 2005: 1. Hurricane Katrina: The Bush League Response Shattering his old record for totally ignoring a national disaster (8 minutes of slacking following the 9/11 attacks), President Bush set a new standard this year for utter cluelessness. As Katrina grew to a class five hurricane and smashed the Gulf Coast, leaving New Orleans underwater and thousands stranded and suffering, Dubya spent his time clearing brush, presenting a birthday cake to John McCain, strumming a guitar at a GOP fundraiser, and sleeping. By the time he apologized to the nation two weeks later, it was painfully clear that the President had a lot in common with the citizens of New Orleans: he, too, was in way over his head.2. Tom Cruise: From Pretty Boy To "Hoo Boy!" As a Scientologist, Tom Cruise believes that all human suffering is caused by the galactic tyrant Xenu, who stacked billions of alien ghosts in volcanoes 75,000,000 years ago and then blew them up with his H-bombs. To us that sounds completely plausible, especially when compared to Tom's recent super crazy rants against psychotherapy and his wide-eyed, maniacal declarations of love for Katie Holmes. (Note to Katie: Get out now!) Damn that Xenu for making us all suffer through Cruise's weird, pathetic meltdown.3. There Goes The Bride: Jennifer Wilbanks Says "Adieu" Here comes the bride, all dressed in...whoops, not so fast! Just days before her upcoming nuptials, spooked bride-to-be Jennifer Wilbanks faked being kidnapped by a "Hispanic man" to avoid tying the knot. After an entire police force and 150 volunteers spent days looking for her to the tune of $60,000, she admitted that the story of her abduction on the eve of marriage was even phonier than the story of Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey's happy marriage. But still, the most troubling and highly disturbing aspect of the whole story? Her freaky-assed bug-eyes!4. Russell Crowe's Telephone Tantrum: Dial "M" For Moron Russell Crowe may not get a Best Actor Oscar nomination for Cinderella Man, but if there was a category for Best Real Life Temper Tantrum Thrown By a Pampered, Spoiled Multi-Millionaire Crybaby, then he'd be a sure-fire winner. The only performance of Crowe's that anyone paid any attention to this year was his caveman-like hotel lobby hissy fit during which he chucked a malfunctioning telephone at the head of a hapless desk clerk. All we can say is it's a good thing Russell wasn't having any problems with his toilet. 5. Karl Rove: A Man For All Treasons There's an old saying that goes, if you piss in the wind enough, sooner or later it's bound to come back and hit you in the face. And so it was with White House advisor and political smear-meister, Karl Rove. When Rove heard that former diplomat Robert Wilson was issuing a report debunking the Bush administration's main reason for invading Iraq, and unable to refute Wilson with the facts, Karl did the only thing he could do: attack Wilson by secretly leaking to the press that his wife, Valerie Plame, was an undercover CIA agent. There were two problems with Karl's plan: 1) It's against the law, and 2) He got caught. Next thing Karl knew, he was in front of a federal grand jury probing his verbal incontinence. Bad boy, Karl. Bad boy!6. Prince Harry: Not Knowing Reich From Wrong Nearly a year after it happened, we're still trying to figure out why in Himmler's name Britain's Prince Harry thought it was a jolly good idea to attend a costume party dressed in full Nazi regalia. As part of a family that says it doesn't want to attract undue attention, parading around with a Swastika armband isn't exactly the way to go unnoticed. Note to His Highness: Next time you get a hankering for dressing up as a Nazi, play it safe and go as the Soup Nazi. Unlike you, he's funny.7. Dave Chapelle: Must Flee TV Everyone handles success differently. Some immediately embrace it, some slowly adapt to it and others panic, crap their pants and haul ass to South Africa. Just after signing a record-breaking $50 million contract with Comedy Central, guess which category Dave Chappelle fell into? Even though his impersonations of Lil John, Rick James and Prince made him a star, Dave is now most famous for a baffling new impression: Runaway Bride Jennifer Wilbanks. 8. Pat Robertson: Hitman Of The Cloth Pat Roberston has long been respected and admired as a leading authority on sanctimonious, pea-brained, hateful ideas. This year, however, the Reverend's disturbing slide into advanced dementia reached a new low point when he called for the assassination of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. We're not Biblical scholars, but we missed the part in the Good Book where Jesus advocates killing. Perhaps Robertson's Bible includes The Gospel According To Jack (Ruby). We'd take issue with Pat more fervently, but honestly, we wouldn't want him to put a hit out on us, too. 9. Scam Artist Gives Wendy's The Finger It was a fast food scam so stupid, it made the Hamburglar look like a criminal mastermind. Anna Ayala thought she had cooked up the perfect swindle — plant a severed digit in her Wendy's chili and just wait for that easy lawsuit money to come rolling in! Only one problem: for some crazy reason, Wendy's wanted to figure out exactly how "Chili con Fingertip" ended up on their menu. It didn't take much investigating before Ayala's Biggie lies were exposed and she and her husband were arrested — but not before her stunt cost Wendy's millions of bucks in lost business. Amazingly, in a story that involved a woman almost eating a severed human finger, Ayala's greedy, dumbass behavior managed to stand out as the most disgusting part.10. Rafael Palmeiro Testifies Negative, Tests Positive When people say an athlete's had quite a year, they're usually referring to his on-the-field heroics. Not so with mustachioed, unnaturally tanned baseball star Rafael Palmeiro. After waving his finger in Clinton-esque fashion in front of Congress and testifying that he'd never used steroids, Rafy tested positive. Ever defiant, he then claimed that he never "intentionally" used steroids. But soon it was revealed that the heavy-duty 'roid he tested positive for is never found in tainted supplements, so he went to his next lame defense and blamed a teammate for giving him a tainted vitamin injection. Not long ago Palmeiro was hired to pitch Viagra to people who had trouble keeping it up. A good choice, because when it comes to dishing out the heavy BS, Rafy can keep it up forever.11. The Terry Schiavo Circus When a living creature perishes, eventually disgusting maggots appear to feed on its dead flesh. In the case of Terry Schiavo, the maggots — the self-righteous politicians, sanctimonious preachers, cable news talking heads and partisan grandstanders — actually fed on poor Terry while she was still alive. Upon hearing of this personal family tragedy, they quickly seized the opportunity to push forth their own selfish agendas. And an entire nation watched as these lowlife freaks whipped themselves — and the public — into a feeding frenzy. If only we could have disconnected the feeding tube on those bastards. 12. Michael Jackson's Touching Tale Even after being acquitted on his latest round of boy-touching accusations, Michael Jackson's story was as full of unexplained holes as his kabuki face. But you'd never know it, if you checked out the self-adoring celebration that erupted on his website. The King of Perv compared his "innocent" verdict to the birth of Martin Luther King, the fall of the Berlin Wall, and the release of Nelson Mandela. It's good to see Michael finally gets it. 13. Brajelina: The Lame Of Love Like a cockroach that you step on over and over that will not die, so it is with the Brad Pitt/Jennifer Aniston/Angelina Jolie love triangle. Supermarket tabloids, TV entertainment shows and gossip websites fulfilled their brain-dead audience's insatiable desire for The juicy details...The sordid confessions...The smoldering fury! (Even when they had to make it up.) So much money has been made by the parasitic media feeding off these three people's private lives, we figure it won't be long before the ever-greedy comic book business jumps on the bottom-feeder bandwagon.14. Teen Queens' Extreme Weight Loss: Into Thin Err Unhappy with their images as robust, beautiful and healthy young women, Lindsay Lohan, Jessica Simpson and Nicole Ritchie decided it was time for an extreme makeover and quickly transformed themselves into sickly, walking skeletons. They probably think they look drop dead gorgeous, but to us they look more like they're just about to drop dead. 15. Saddam Photographed In Jail: The News In Briefs We're continually being told that for America to be successful in Iraq that we have to win the "hearts and minds" of the people on the Arab street. Our first efforts got off to a somewhat shaky start. There was that whole Abu Grahib naked prisoners on dog leashes thing, followed by the accidentally dropping and flushing the Koran down the toilet several times. This year we hit the trifecta when humiliating photos of the incarcerated Saddam Hussein, wearing nothing but tightie whities, were leaked to a British tabloid. The Pentagon, of course, promised to get to the bottom of their latest "crack" in security. Meanwhile, they're suffering from yet another public relations wedgie any child could relate to. 16. Homo-Neurotic: Right-Wing Group Outs SpongeBob Early this year, Focus On The Family founder Dr. James Dobson claimed there was a "sinister agenda" behind a children's video because it featured "pro-homosexual" cartoon characters, such as SpongeBob SquarePants, singing the 1979 Sister Sledge hit We Are Family. We can't help thinking that Dr. J has actually lost his focus on the family — isn't it much more sinister that the video is trying to revive disco music? And, given that SpongeBob works as a deep-fry cook churning out Krabby Patties, shouldn't family groups be more worried about childhood obesity? As right-wingers continue to warn us about harmful influences in the fictional world of animation, they better take a look at this utterly shocking information we've uncovered, as it is indeed cause for grave concern.17. Paula Abdul: Judge Juicy We always knew that Paula Abdul was super-nice to American Idol contestants, but she apparently took it to the extreme with Season 2 contestant (and all-around loser) Corey Clark. Corey claimed that the once-sexy Abdul had an affair with him while he was on the show -- and also that she secretly coached him, chose his songs, designed his new look and even paid for his wardrobe, hairstyling and cell phone. The former Laker babe was cleared of any wrongdoing by FOX . (Note: Given that FOX's new fall line-up included The War At Home, Head Cases and So You Think You Can Dance, they're clearly experts when it comes to wrong-doing!) Well, one thing's for sure: we'll never be able to look at Ruben Studdard again without wondering if maybe, just maybe...18. Kevin Federline: From Beer to Paternity It was April 12th when both People Magazine editors and readers spontaneously wet themselves as Britney Spears announced that she and second husband, former dancer/current bum Kevin Federline were — Oh! My! God! — expecting. While makin' babies was sure to be a new experience for Spears, it was old hat for Federline who had already fathered two kids — not even waiting around for the second one to be born before hooking up with Spears. A healthy baby boy was born on September 14 — and while Britney had cause to worry over Kevin's lack of employment, drinking, partying, gambling and forays to strip clubs, she might take comfort in the knowledge that all those lap dances he's been enjoying (and she's been paying for) are good practice for when he bounces little Sean Preston Spears Federline on his knee.19. "INTELLIGENT DESIGN" 20. What Screws Up Must Come Down: The A-list of A-holes Lately, when someone does something really stupid, illegal or immoral, they're "punished" with a fat book contract or their own reality TV show. But that's not always the case. Occasionally there is a God. Someone does something wrong and there are repercussions. And so it was with a bunch of notorious lowlifes this year. In one way or another, from fraud to professional ethics gaffes to racist remarks, each of these once-esteemed people screwed up and lost. Some lost their freedom. Some lost their job. Some lost whatever credibility and respect they had. But they all found at least one thing: a place among this group of unquestionable morons.
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Friday, December 16, 2005
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Kamasutra the book, stolen by Google
Google resumes book scanning
Colin BarkerZDNet UKNovember 01, 2005, 11:55 GMT
Tell us your opinion
The search giant risks the wrath of the book publishing industry as it resumes its strategy of scanning 'the libraries of the world', with a new focus on out-of-print titles
Google is to start scanning and copying the world's books again after announcing on Tuesday that its self-imposed suspension is over.
The company says it will resume scanning books but will focus on out-of-print titles and wants to get publishers' permission to scan in-print books as part of Google Print.
The company said in August it was temporarily halting scanning books after facing stiff opposition from book publishers and the prospect of a 'massive' copyright suit.
According to The Wall Street Journal, Google will be trying to get publishers' permission to digitise books that are still on sale in bookshops. Google claims that this strategy will not hurt book publishers as it tries to stay away from the readily available bestsellers and targets books that people find it harder to track down.
According to Google Print product manager Adam Smith, the August moratorium was held so that "any and all copyright holders can tell us which books they'd prefer that we not scan if we find them in a library".
Google launched its Google Print programme in October 2004. At the time, it claimed it was a way "for publishers to make their books discoverable by the millions of people who search on Google".
Google faces massive copyright suit
European book market is in Google's sights
Colin BarkerZDNet UKNovember 01, 2005, 11:55 GMT
Tell us your opinion
The search giant risks the wrath of the book publishing industry as it resumes its strategy of scanning 'the libraries of the world', with a new focus on out-of-print titles
Google is to start scanning and copying the world's books again after announcing on Tuesday that its self-imposed suspension is over.
The company says it will resume scanning books but will focus on out-of-print titles and wants to get publishers' permission to scan in-print books as part of Google Print.
The company said in August it was temporarily halting scanning books after facing stiff opposition from book publishers and the prospect of a 'massive' copyright suit.
According to The Wall Street Journal, Google will be trying to get publishers' permission to digitise books that are still on sale in bookshops. Google claims that this strategy will not hurt book publishers as it tries to stay away from the readily available bestsellers and targets books that people find it harder to track down.
According to Google Print product manager Adam Smith, the August moratorium was held so that "any and all copyright holders can tell us which books they'd prefer that we not scan if we find them in a library".
Google launched its Google Print programme in October 2004. At the time, it claimed it was a way "for publishers to make their books discoverable by the millions of people who search on Google".
Google faces massive copyright suit
European book market is in Google's sights
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Thursday, August 18, 2005
dis just gotta be Janice ....

The 7 deadly sins.
Sloth :
I know I'm pregnant and that gives me somewhat of an excuse to be tired, but I don't even want to get out of bed. Ever. I go to bed at 11pm. I get up at 4am to pee. Back to bed. Up at 6am to pee. Back to bed. This continues all day until about noon.
Gluttony :
Yesterday, I ate 3/4 of a large pizza by myself. And for dessert - 4 pieces of cake.
Envy : I'm jealous of people that can wear real clothes. I wear my pj's 24/7.
Wrath : I'm so moody lately. I really want to hurt somebody. I feel like I could explode at any minute on anyone.
Greed : At my baby showers, the baby is getting everything. EVERYTHING. I'm the one carrying this kid. Where is my freaking TiVo? (I'm awful, aren't I?)
Lust :
I really haven't been in the mood for any type of sexual activity lately, but DUDE... I've been having some very realistic dreams involving Patrick Swayze circa his Dirty Dancing days.
Pride : Most days, I think I'm the smartest person on earth. Ok, in the United States. Well, maybe in West Virginia. On my street?
Of course, this post wouldn't be complete without a quiz
Which deadly sin do you represent? (Angel Sanctuary Pics)brought to you by Quizilla
Posted by misty at 11:57 AM Comments (28) TrackBack
Tuesday, August 16, 2005

A whistle blower is a person inside the organization leaking out secrets to an outsider
This is rong, I feel
He cannot and must not leak out confidential info, which he is privy too, while continuing to receive salary from the organization.
He must quit and rite a book
SK Dubey, an IIT Kanpur graduate exposed the corruption in Golden Quadrilateral being undertaken by National Highway Authority of India, by a secret letter to PMO
the letter was leaked, and
He was killed
Investigate Corruption
We plan to conduct investigations of Corruption cases of our own with your help. Our Whistle Blowers team will look at cases reported to us, that merit follow up. We will try to come up with an action plan based on our resources.
Currently, we are focussed on Mr. Dubey's killing. We are not convinced that the CBI will get Satyendra Dubey's family Justice in any reasonable amount of time.
We need help in creating the fact sheet about Mr. Dubey's Murder. We have started with a list of items that come to mind instantaneously. But there are many questions. Please help us find answers to these questions. Help us move items from Unconfirmed list to the Fact Sheet. Use internet, call people and offices in your spare time to get answers to the questions. Interview people as an SK Dubey foundation representative. Get the answers and help us expose corruption and those who support corruption.
We believe that if all of us can help answer one question, we would have more people working on this than CBI ever can. Let everyone know what's the truth. We will keep updating this site as more and more information comes in.
Whistle Blower Bill
First and foremost, we want to show our support to the Whistle Blower Act. To strengthen the basic foundation of the Indian Society, it is essential for the legislature to approve of the Whistle-Blowers Bill (Public Interest Disclosure Bill). This act gives everyone the basic safeguard to fight corruption.,
Most of the opponents of the Whistle Blower act hide behind the shield of possible misuse of this act. With corruption rampant in the Indian system, the probability of its being used for intended purpose far outweighs its misuse.
Satyendra Dubey Fact Sheet
Fact Sheet
Submit a New Fact or a correction to an existing one
Satyendra Dubey was Killed on Nov 27, 2003.
He worked in Koderma as a project manager till August 2003 when he was transferred to Gaya.
Recently Dubey took a departmental test and was promoted as deputy general manager, which made him eligible to take charge as project director.
Dubey had arrived at Gaya railway station from Varanasi around 3 am. However, he did not find his driver at the station and called up his home only to learn that the vehicle had apparently developed some mechanical problem.
He was gunned down near the Gaya Circuit House on Thursday morning.
A mobile phone that was found missing after his murder.
He wrote to the PM on Nov 11, 2002. (We have a copy of the original letter)
In 10 days, the PMO fowarded Dubey’s complaint to his parent Ministry of Road Transport and Highways. (MoRTH). Dubey’s request for anonymity was ignored by the PMO as his personal information was also forwarded.
On December 4, 2002, Dubey’s letter was sent to the NHAI with a copy to NHAI’s Chief Vigilance Officer.
He wrote to NHAI about his fears and was reprimanded about sending the letter to the PMO.
Satyandra's brother, who filed the FIR claimed that his brother was killed by the people whose corruption he exposed.
During his tenure, he got the contractor of the project to suspend five of his engineers after exposing their mishandling of funds? The contrators name is Gammon India.
According to the FIR, Dubey had been facing several threats following his stern action - by who? Response: FIR mentions that due to his honest ways of working, all the corrupt officials were unhappy with him and were loosing a lot of money due to his strict presence. These people could be anyone from officials of NHAI, the contractors or the consultants.
Dubey had arrived at Gaya railway station from Varanasi around 3 am today. However, he did not find his driver at the station and called up his home only to learn that the vehicle had apparently developed some mechanical problem -what problem Response: There were two problems with the car a)The Battery was completely discharged b)Two fuses were blown. A car that dropped him at the railway station 20 hours ago, came back, wasn't taken anywhere else and had a discharged battery and two blown fuses.
According to NHAI officials here, Dubey asked his driver to wait at home while he took a rickshaw back. But he did not reach home and the worried driver apparently went out looking for him, only to find Dubey lying dead near A P colony. - who is the driver? did Dubey take a rickshaw. what does the rickshaw driver know? Response: The driver wasn't his regular driver. His regular driver was on leave for Id. A replacement driver was there for just two days. According to the statements of servant and driver he took the rickshaw. Don't know whether to believe them or not. Moreover the rickshaw driver has not been found yet after 25 days
He was all set to take over as the Project Director in Kodarma next Monday (1 Dec 02). But NHAI denies an order was passed till Thursday (27 Nov 02)? What's the confusion? Response: There was meeting of NHAI officials involving members around 20th november in Bodhgaya. There it was decided that he hasto take charge as Project Director in Koderma within 10 days. Official letter was yet to be issued.
A mobile phone that was found missing after his murder. what else was missing? Response: A suitcase/small carry bag and his purse are also missing. In the raid only cell phone was found and other belongings were not found.
From December 1, he was to join back at Koderma from Gaya where he had actually cut his teeth a year ago. Clarification? Response: He was familiar with place. He had done a lot there to make sure that the money does not go into wrong hands. On his transfer to Gaya about 4 months back he had sarcastically said "This is the reward I have got for good work". So the moment he got chance to go back to Koderma he accepted it.
He was shot by a sophisticated gun not normally used in Bihar - is this true? Response: Yes,The weapon used was pretty sophisticated(not something used by a roadside robbers). The weapon was at least as much sophisticated SP of Gaya's pistol, indicating it was a pretty professional pistol.
Unconfirmed Facts and Questions...
Submit a New Unconfirmed Item or Question? or Answer to one of the questions?
Dubey had written to the NHAI before writing to the Prime minister (and sending a copy to NHAI). If so, where is the letter?
NHAI has rushed in senior officials from Varanasi and Gorakhpur to take stock of the situation and assist the local police in investigations. - What did they find out?
The engineer’s killing comes close on the heels of the murder of two businessmen, a three year old girl and gunshot injuries to an egg wholesaler in broad daylight in the busy commercial area of the town. How were the others killed?, was the same gun used?
We also heard that a rickshawalla (with a white towel on his head) was running away shouting something.
The two "explosion like shots" were heard by a watchman. Response: There was an actual explosion at the site but no one was injured. - Clarification?
What time was Dubey's Body found?
How far is the court house from the station. How did Satyendra go from the station to the court house where he was found dead?
The police suspect someone who found it inconvenient to have Dubey as the director eliminated him. (more info?): Response: All those who were corrupt and whose aim was to loot the public money.
If you have encountered Corruption in India please let us know. We want to create a database of all such cases and document it.
S. K. Dubey Foundation, Inc. is a Not For Profit Foundation organized under the laws of the State of Florida, USA.S. K. Dubey Foundation, Inc. 334 Paterson Plank Road, Jersey City, NJ 07307, USAFax: +1 509-272-0064 Email:
the MORAL POLICE .. ...
When in Rome do as the Romans do
or face the wrath of the moral police
If u r living in a middle class mumbai locality
U better conform
If u want to live in peace
The NRI’s in USA/Canada must do like wise
Don’t for heaven’s sake take the moral high ground
The flip side :
OSHA bought land in USA to set up a commune, the locals revolted
He was thrown out
OSHO did the same in Mumbai at Pune
It still survives
OSHO is a very much-misunderstood spiritual GURU
Go to
or face the wrath of the moral police
If u r living in a middle class mumbai locality
U better conform
If u want to live in peace
The NRI’s in USA/Canada must do like wise
Don’t for heaven’s sake take the moral high ground
The flip side :
OSHA bought land in USA to set up a commune, the locals revolted
He was thrown out
OSHO did the same in Mumbai at Pune
It still survives
OSHO is a very much-misunderstood spiritual GURU
Go to
Sunday, August 14, 2005
his story or history ?

If u read about the freedom struggle from the colonial rulers and the history text books of the freed nation
u get two different versions
the history text books of Gujarat state was redone by CM Mody
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Rajiv Gandhi, the Mr Clean ...

1984: Rajiv Gandhi wins landslide election victory
now go to
and please read
a BABE IN THE WOODS or rather WATERS where crocs lie
u have to be polly tically wise when u enter polly tics
and Dhirubhai saw dis
he saw dis Rajiv Ganhi was just another mangy, like Janice
it wasnt very difficult for him to lead him
he was bought
it was done wid class
he, the poor chap, didnt even no dat he was bought
Monday, August 01, 2005
Monday, July 25, 2005
The "F" Word ...
Websters Needs To Rethink the "F" word
'fail-ure': 1. the state or fact of being lacking or insufficient 2. a losing of power or strength; weakening, dying away. 3. not doing; neglect or omission. 4. not succeeding in doing or becoming. 5. person who does not succeed.
Pretty darn negative, don’tcha think? It’s like failure is a bad thing. And it seems like there’s plenty to substantiate it. In baseball, if someone strikes out with the bases loaded, we boo. In show biz, if a person’s stage performance is poor, we pan it. In school if a student takes a test and gets 40 correct out of 100 questions, they receive a failing grade. 40 out of 100. That’s close to 40%. Of course it should be failing. 40 % stinks. Webster’s knows what it’s talking about, right?
But what about the Major League baseball player who gets 40 hits every 100 times he bats. What is he, besides non-existent? That hypothetical .400 hitter would be one of the best if not the best baseball player of all time. Not much of a failure, huh? Websters must be wrong. Perhaps.
What about the scientist whose research takes him through countless experiments to finally bring him to his finding? Were all his unsuccessful trials along the way failures? Would Webster’s call them failures? By definition, yes. Now does Webster’s know what its talking about? Perhaps not.
My point? Failure has gotten a bad rap. And it’s not only Websters' fault. We’re all responsible. Because of this we are wasting one of mankind’s greatest resources... failure. And our fear of using that resource that’s killing the possibilities!
Not all, but many parents, teachers, coaches, business supervisors, religious authorities, and critics of all sorts have been responsible for dulling aspirations and destroying dreams. Many mistakes are proclaimed failures and subsequently punished, leaving many of us afraid to take risks. All too often, these evaluations and punitive disciplines are brought about as misguided attempts to correct and improve the individual. More than likely, the opposite results.
Then there are who are dealing with so-called failures of the body. Those who have been born physically or mentally challenged or became so through sickness or accident. They may have been told that they were no longer capable of doing what they had done before; or that they shouldn’t even think about trying something for the first time, lest they be disheartened or hurt. Thank God for the likes of Stephen Hawking and Christopher Reeve.
History is full of ideas and events thought to be faulty or complete duds which ended up becoming boons to mankind. Do I really need to mention Thomas Edison’s efforts or the discovery of Silly Putty?
If an experiment works, something has gone wrong.
--Finagle's First Law
We must appreciate that our life is a process, a process made up of infinitesimal experiences and moments all fashioning us into who we are today. If we continue to breathe, our missteps, errors and misunderstandings are absolutely necessary for growth. They are the life-lessons that are essential for progress and enrichment. Without them, we would stagnate and whither away. Why? Because we learn nothing from perfection. It feels good for the moment, but it doesn't teach us a dang thing. Never did. Never will.
Do babies come out of the womb walking and talking? Not many. Are they criticized for falling down when they begin to walk? I hope not. They are in fact cheered and, with major huggies all around, encouraged to try again. After innumerable tumbles and assorted boo-boos, they're soon up and running everywhere. Does a baby feel that he or she should have done better or learned faster? No, because a baby has no expectations (except maybe for the anticipated tranquility a well placed thumb brings). What the child did was what she did and when she did it is when it was supposed to be done. And that, ladies and gentleman, is how it works best. When did we begin to deem it appropriate that devaluing ourselves by not meeting some quasi-standard was the proper way to live? And why can't Dr. T. Berry Brazelton be here for us too, the over-five generation?
Defeat should never be a source of discouragement, but rather a fresh stimulus.
--Robert South
We may want to haul off and pound the next person who says, "What doesn’t kill us, makes us stronger," but Nature handles failure and obstacles...naturally. We call it evolutionary adaptation. As organisms (human and otherwise) evolve, the stresses faced by our ancestors have caused our body to change in order to handle environmental needs. In effect, our bodies know how to react to adversity intuitively. It would make sense that our brains and our hearts are equipped to do the long as we choose to "get out of the way." Biologically, while pain would seem to be anything but good news, we would never know there was something wrong in our bodies if it weren’t for the pain. It’s nature’s wake up call.
Life’s solutions don't come down the chute gift wrapped and ready to be opened any time we decide they should be. We have no idea if the very next effort won't provide us with our success. So why do we decide to quit before we reach our objective? Why do we let a single failure stop us? Had Thomas Edison quit because coal, carbon, and other tested materials didn't ignite his bulb, you might be able to read this only during the day. He stuck with it, each attempt bringing him closer to the discovery that tungsten would do the trick.
But stuff does happen and we sometimes must suffer through our failures, right? Not necessarily. Any situation stops being a failure as soon as we attempt to learn from it. And we don't even have to actually learn anything. The attempt alone is enough. Once you've taken the action, the constructive process has already begun. And that activity begets more activity. And here's a profound thought: When you stop or quit, nothing happens.
A diamond cannot be polished without friction, nor a man perfected without trials.
--Chinese Proverb
What occurs when you receive a negative evaluation? It probably feels lousy. But if your desire is to enhance your life, dig through that review to see if there's something in it that can help you improve. Even if the reviewer is a fool, he might have stumbled onto something of relevance to you. After you take what you can use, THROW OUT THE REST! It serves no purpose. Do not give it any power. Take the lemons and make lemonade. Take the leftover lemon rinds, grind them up in your food processor, and use them as fertilizer.
Failure is not always of our own making. Other people and events can disappoint us. Even our own bodies and health fail us from time to time. But no matter the source of the failure, it is vital to understand that it is our attitude towards the situation that makes all the difference.
So it is that we must change our attitude towards imperfection and force Webster to include one more element to their definition of failure: "a stepping-stone to success."
But how do we do this? How does a word get amended? The answer that the Merriam-Webster editors are liken to say is "usage." Each day Webster editors read books, newspapers, magazines, the Internet...everything. They look for new words and new meanings of existing words attempting to determine regular usage. A word’s new meaning must be used in a wide range of publications over an appreciable period of time for them to make any revisions to a word’s definition.
Here’s my plan. When your favorite basketball player misses a free throw, cheer him. If your son or daughter does poorly on a test, find out what parts he did well, no matter how slight, and start building from there. No matter what you do for a living, even if you’re not a writer, be positive and always refer to the word "failure" as "a stepping stone to success."
This is not about coddling. This is about building. Building from the bricks already fashioned; using what we know. It’s about making a plan. It’s about starting from a place of strength, not some unattainable wish. This isn’t about feeding into victimhood. This is about giving hope. It’s about possibilities.
Men succeed when they realize that their failures are the preparation for their victories.
--Ralph Waldo Emerson
So get out there all you parents, be you writer, teacher, plumber, broker, used car salesman or be you just you. Write it. Say it. Believe it. Open your windows, stand on your rooftops, clear you throats and let Websters know in no uncertain terms, "I’m mad as hell and and I’m not going to take it any more. Failure is "a stepping-stone to success!"
A Steve Young Production
how many faillures did Edison have till he finally succeeded ?
Thomas Edison Lights the Night
After two years, Thomas Edison finally saw the light. In 1877, he had begun studying how to make an electric lamp and within a year had performed 1,200 experiments. In 1879, after spending $40,000, he made a bulb using a carbonized cotton thread for a filament. It burned for two days in the vacuum bulb. Later he used carbonized cardboard and, finally, carbonized bamboo.
Saturday, July 23, 2005
Hitler lives on as hero in Gujarat textbooks ..
byy Tina Parekh/TNN
In the rest of the world, it would be outrageous to have the Holocaust,
in which millions of Jews were butchered by the Nazis,
attributed to German ‘nationalism’,
without a word of condemnation of one of the darkest periods of human history.
But not in Gujarat, where, one year after the eruption of a controversy over the distortion of history in school textbooks,
students still learn about Nazism as “a co-ordination of nationalism and socialism’’.
In both the newly-revised Class IX social sciences book and Class X social studies textbook,
there are grave distortions and uncritical description of Hitler and his Nazis.
The Times of India had last year raised the issue of glorification of Hitler in the Class X textbook,
but it was still taught in classrooms across the state because the BJP government took the defence that these books were introduced during the previous Congress regime.
However, there are similar anomalies in the revised Class IX social sciences textbook brought out by the Gujarat Textbook Board on March 14, 2005.
In a section on Nazism on page 11, the author makes no mention of the Holocaust, and instead, glorifies Hitler.
It says, “Hitler adopted an aggressive policy and led the Germans towards ardent nationalism.’’
It goes on to mention “In thinking of Nazism, there is co-ordination of nationalism and socialism’’ and that “due to severe nationalism of Italy and Germany and their aggressive policy, the nations of the world thought of forming groups.’’
There seems to be symbolic capping of words like ‘Swastik’ in the section on Nazism. It appears as “The Nazi soldiers were wearing blue dress and were adorning the symbol of ‘swastik’. They considered Hitler as their Fuhrer’ (saviour).’’
The Class X book too presents a frighteningly uncritical picture of Fascism and Nazism. Section ‘Ideology of Nazism’ reads, “Hitler lent dignity and prestige to the German government within a short time by establishing a strong administrative setup....
He instilled the spirit of adventure in the common people.’’
Some Other Gems
“A uniform civil code should be prepared and be implemented in the entire nation’’ — Chapter 9, Pg 94
“Wild animals are like our family members’’—Chapter 18, Pg 155
“The Pope gave religious order to Portugal and Spain to find out new waterways to reach India, which is known as ‘Pope Line’ in history’’—
Chapter 1, Pg 3
“The youth fall in age group of 10-19...The youth group is a non-productive part of the nation.They are simply consumers of material goods and services’’—Chapter 19, Pg 164
In the rest of the world, it would be outrageous to have the Holocaust,
in which millions of Jews were butchered by the Nazis,
attributed to German ‘nationalism’,
without a word of condemnation of one of the darkest periods of human history.
But not in Gujarat, where, one year after the eruption of a controversy over the distortion of history in school textbooks,
students still learn about Nazism as “a co-ordination of nationalism and socialism’’.
In both the newly-revised Class IX social sciences book and Class X social studies textbook,
there are grave distortions and uncritical description of Hitler and his Nazis.
The Times of India had last year raised the issue of glorification of Hitler in the Class X textbook,
but it was still taught in classrooms across the state because the BJP government took the defence that these books were introduced during the previous Congress regime.
However, there are similar anomalies in the revised Class IX social sciences textbook brought out by the Gujarat Textbook Board on March 14, 2005.
In a section on Nazism on page 11, the author makes no mention of the Holocaust, and instead, glorifies Hitler.
It says, “Hitler adopted an aggressive policy and led the Germans towards ardent nationalism.’’
It goes on to mention “In thinking of Nazism, there is co-ordination of nationalism and socialism’’ and that “due to severe nationalism of Italy and Germany and their aggressive policy, the nations of the world thought of forming groups.’’
There seems to be symbolic capping of words like ‘Swastik’ in the section on Nazism. It appears as “The Nazi soldiers were wearing blue dress and were adorning the symbol of ‘swastik’. They considered Hitler as their Fuhrer’ (saviour).’’
The Class X book too presents a frighteningly uncritical picture of Fascism and Nazism. Section ‘Ideology of Nazism’ reads, “Hitler lent dignity and prestige to the German government within a short time by establishing a strong administrative setup....
He instilled the spirit of adventure in the common people.’’
Some Other Gems
“A uniform civil code should be prepared and be implemented in the entire nation’’ — Chapter 9, Pg 94
“Wild animals are like our family members’’—Chapter 18, Pg 155
“The Pope gave religious order to Portugal and Spain to find out new waterways to reach India, which is known as ‘Pope Line’ in history’’—
Chapter 1, Pg 3
“The youth fall in age group of 10-19...The youth group is a non-productive part of the nation.They are simply consumers of material goods and services’’—Chapter 19, Pg 164
O Jerusalem !, this land is my land ??
Monday, May 23, 2005
“Become a Child Again” ....says OSHO ....
'Blessed are the little children' ... says Jesus
The child never dies in anyone. It is not that the child dies when you grow, the child remains. Everything that you have been is still within you, and will remain within you until your very last breath.
But society is always afraid of nonserious people. Nonserious people will not be ambitious for money, or political power; they would rather enjoy existence. But enjoying existence cannot bring you prestige, cannot make you powerful, cannot fulfill your ego; and the whole world of man revolves around the idea of the ego.
Playfulness is against your ego—you can try it and see. Just play with children, and you will find your ego is disappearing, you will find that you have become a child again. It is not only true about you, it is true about everyone.
Because the child within you has been repressed, you will repress your children. Nobody allows their children to dance and to sing and to shout and to jump. For trivial reasons—perhaps something may get broken, perhaps they may get their clothes wet in the rain if they run out—for these small things a great spiritual quality, playfulness, is completely destroyed.
The obedient child is praised by his parents, by his teachers, by everybody; and the playful child is condemned. His playfulness may be absolutely harmless, but he is condemned because there is potentially a danger of rebellion. If the child goes on growing with full freedom to be playful, he will turn out to be a rebel. He will not be easily enslaved; he will not be easily put into armies to destroy people, or to be destroyed himself.
The rebellious child will turn out to be a rebellious youth. Then you cannot force marriage on him; then you cannot force him into a particular job; then the child cannot be forced to fulfill the unfulfilled desires and longings of the parents. The rebellious youth will go his own way. He will live his life according to his own innermost desires—not according to somebody else’s ideals.
The rebel is basically natural. The obedient child is almost dead; hence the parents are very happy, because he is always under control.
Man is strangely sick: he wants to control people—in controlling people your ego is fulfilled, you are somebody special—and he himself also wants to be controlled, because by being controlled you are no longer responsible.
For all these reasons, playfulness is stifled, crushed from the very beginning, and then people become afraid of their own playfulness, afraid of "losing control."
got dis from
The child never dies in anyone. It is not that the child dies when you grow, the child remains. Everything that you have been is still within you, and will remain within you until your very last breath.
But society is always afraid of nonserious people. Nonserious people will not be ambitious for money, or political power; they would rather enjoy existence. But enjoying existence cannot bring you prestige, cannot make you powerful, cannot fulfill your ego; and the whole world of man revolves around the idea of the ego.
Playfulness is against your ego—you can try it and see. Just play with children, and you will find your ego is disappearing, you will find that you have become a child again. It is not only true about you, it is true about everyone.
Because the child within you has been repressed, you will repress your children. Nobody allows their children to dance and to sing and to shout and to jump. For trivial reasons—perhaps something may get broken, perhaps they may get their clothes wet in the rain if they run out—for these small things a great spiritual quality, playfulness, is completely destroyed.
The obedient child is praised by his parents, by his teachers, by everybody; and the playful child is condemned. His playfulness may be absolutely harmless, but he is condemned because there is potentially a danger of rebellion. If the child goes on growing with full freedom to be playful, he will turn out to be a rebel. He will not be easily enslaved; he will not be easily put into armies to destroy people, or to be destroyed himself.
The rebellious child will turn out to be a rebellious youth. Then you cannot force marriage on him; then you cannot force him into a particular job; then the child cannot be forced to fulfill the unfulfilled desires and longings of the parents. The rebellious youth will go his own way. He will live his life according to his own innermost desires—not according to somebody else’s ideals.
The rebel is basically natural. The obedient child is almost dead; hence the parents are very happy, because he is always under control.
Man is strangely sick: he wants to control people—in controlling people your ego is fulfilled, you are somebody special—and he himself also wants to be controlled, because by being controlled you are no longer responsible.
For all these reasons, playfulness is stifled, crushed from the very beginning, and then people become afraid of their own playfulness, afraid of "losing control."
got dis from
Sunday, May 22, 2005
Terrorist or freedom fighter? .......
A question dat has no answers
J.C. Bose
Shahid Bhagat Singh
Kasmir Liberation Front
J.C. Bose
Shahid Bhagat Singh
Kasmir Liberation Front
Saturday, May 14, 2005
I have a dream dat one day .....

one day, we will have built a community of love, each one of us wud work for love
The $ currency wud be substituted with love currency
when we work for a client or an employer, it wud be a labor of love
and we wud be paid by love
Love cannot be quantified
i wud not charge u for the service rendered
I wud come back to you, when I need your help
I wud not ask for more than I need for the moment
dat wud be agreed
but the product / service generated wud be World class
bcoz it has been crafted by love
In dis community of love, there wud be
No jealousy, no envy
Bcoz all dat u own u wud lovingly share with me
No one in this community wud starve
bcoz if I don’t have food on my table today
I wud walk into your home, and u wud gimme dinner
No dowry, No unhappy widows,
No neglected aged folks
if you are in the US of A and your parents are here
They wud be a part of my family too
No one wud be unloved
If I have a prob dat is worrying me
I wud not hesitate to knock on your door
U might say dat I am a dreamer
But I m not the only one
John Lennon had dis dream, along with Martin Luther King
and Mahatma Gandhi, when he proclaimed dat
u do not own your possessions
Ur just a trustee
Dis community of love has been in existence for a very long time in India
It is the joint family system
where after marriage your children still live under the same roof
the earnings of the family are pooled together
and the material and emotional needs are provided for
by the family members
but under the western influence
it is breaking up into nuclear families
So now we purchase more cars, TV’s, fridges, AC’s
We now have more material things
But less and less of Love
more stressful living
and more suicides
Nafissa wud not have hanged herself
if she lived in dis community of love
Let us go back to our roots
and discard the western life style
and once again build a community of love
in the tradition of the joint family system
and one day this community wud encompass the whole world
The $ currency wud be substituted with love currency
when we work for a client or an employer, it wud be a labor of love
and we wud be paid by love
Love cannot be quantified
i wud not charge u for the service rendered
I wud come back to you, when I need your help
I wud not ask for more than I need for the moment
dat wud be agreed
but the product / service generated wud be World class
bcoz it has been crafted by love
In dis community of love, there wud be
No jealousy, no envy
Bcoz all dat u own u wud lovingly share with me
No one in this community wud starve
bcoz if I don’t have food on my table today
I wud walk into your home, and u wud gimme dinner
No dowry, No unhappy widows,
No neglected aged folks
if you are in the US of A and your parents are here
They wud be a part of my family too
No one wud be unloved
If I have a prob dat is worrying me
I wud not hesitate to knock on your door
U might say dat I am a dreamer
But I m not the only one
John Lennon had dis dream, along with Martin Luther King
and Mahatma Gandhi, when he proclaimed dat
u do not own your possessions
Ur just a trustee
Dis community of love has been in existence for a very long time in India
It is the joint family system
where after marriage your children still live under the same roof
the earnings of the family are pooled together
and the material and emotional needs are provided for
by the family members
but under the western influence
it is breaking up into nuclear families
So now we purchase more cars, TV’s, fridges, AC’s
We now have more material things
But less and less of Love
more stressful living
and more suicides
Nafissa wud not have hanged herself
if she lived in dis community of love
Let us go back to our roots
and discard the western life style
and once again build a community of love
in the tradition of the joint family system
and one day this community wud encompass the whole world
Saturday, May 07, 2005
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
He needs to be heard ....

Pic got from
That's why when Buddha and Shankara say the world is maya, a mirage, it is difficult for us to understand. Because we know only this world, we don't have any comparison. This is the only reality we know. What are these people talking about -- this is maya, illusion? This is the only reality. Unless you come to know the really real, their words cannot be understood, their words remain theoretical. They look like hypotheses. Maybe this man is propounding a philosophy -- 'The world is unreal'.
When Berkley in the West said that the world is unreal, he was walking with one of his friends, a very logical man; the friend was almost a skeptic. He took a stone from the road and hit Berkley's feet hard. Berkley screamed, blood rushed out, and the skeptic said, 'Now, the world is unreal? You say the world is unreal? -- then why did you scream? This stone is unreal? -- then why did you scream? Then why are you holding your leg and why are you showing so much pain and anguish on your face. Stop this? It is all unreal.
Now this type of man cannot understand what Buddha means when he says the world is a mirage. He does not mean that you can pass through the wall. He is not saying this -- that you can eat stones and it will make no difference whether you eat bread or stones. He is not saying that.
He is saying that there is a reality. Once you come to know it, this so-called reality simply pales out, simply becomes unreal. With a higher reality in vision the comparison arises, not otherwise.
In the dream; the dream is real. You dream every night. Dream is one of the greatest activities that you go on doing. If you live sixty years, twenty years you will sleep and almost ten years you will dream. Ten years in a life -- nothing else do you do so much. Ten years of continuous dreaming -- just think about it. And every night.... And every morning you say it was unreal, and again in the night when you dream, dream becomes real.
In a dream it is so difficult to remember that this is a dream. But in the morning it is so easy. What happens? You are the same person. In the dream there is only one reality. How to compare? How to say it is unreal? Compared to what? It is the only reality. Everything is as unreal as everything else so there is no comparison. In the morning when you open your eyes another reality is there. Now you can say it was all unreal. Compared to this reality, dream becomes unreal.
There is an awakening -- compared to THAT reality of THAT awakening, this whole reality becomes unreal.
That night for the first time I understood the meaning of the word maya. Not that I had not known the word before, not that I was not aware of the meaning of the word. As you are aware, I was also aware of the meaning -- but I had never understood it before. How can you understand without experience?
That night another reality opened its door, another dimension became available. Suddenly it was there, the other reality, the separate reality, the really real, or whatsoever you want to call it -- call it god, call it truth, call it dhamma, call it tao, or whatsoever you will. It was nameless. But it was there -- so opaque, so transparent, and yet so solid one could have touched it. It was almost suffocating me in that room. It was too much and I was not yet capable of absorbing it.
A deep urge arose in me to rush out of the room, to go under the sky -- it was suffocating me. It was too much! It will kill me! If I had remained a few moments more, it would have suffocated me -- it looked like that.
I rushed out of the room, came out in the street. A great urge was there just to be under the sky with the stars, with the trees, with the earth... to be with nature. And immediately as I came out, the feeling of being suffocated disappeared. It was too small a place for such a big phenomenon. Even the sky is a small place for that big phenomenon. It is bigger than the sky. Even the sky is not the limit for it. But then I felt more at ease.
I walked towards the nearest garden. It was a totally new walk, as if gravitation had disappeared. I was walking, or I was running, or I was simply flying; it was difficult to decide. There was no gravitation, I was feeling weightless -- as if some energy was taking me. I was in the hands of some other energy.
For the first time I was not alone, for the first time I was no more an individual, for the first time the drop has come and fallen into the ocean. Now the whole ocean was mine, I was the ocean. There was no limitation. A tremendous power arose as if I could do anything whatsoever. I was not there, only the power was there.
I reached to the garden where I used to go every day. The garden was closed, closed for the night. It was too late, it was almost one o'clock in the night. The gardeners were fast asleep. I had to enter the garden like a thief, I had to climb the gate. But something was pulling me towards the garden. It was not within my capacity to prevent myself. I was just floating.
That's what I mean when I say again and again 'float with the river, don't push the river'. I was relaxed, I was in a let-go. I was not there. IT was there, call it god -- god was there.
I would like to call it IT, because god is too human a word, and has become too dirty by too much use, has become too polluted by so many people. Christians, Hindus, Mohammedans, priests and politicians -- they all have corrupted the beauty of the word. So let me call it IT. IT was there and I was just carried away... carried by a tidal wave.
The moment I entered the garden everything became luminous, it was all over the place -- the benediction, the blessedness. I could see the trees for the first time -- their green, their life, their very sap running. The whole garden was asleep, the trees were asleep. But I could see the whole garden alive, even the small grass leaves were so beautiful.
I looked around. One tree was tremendously luminous -- the maulshree tree. It attracted me, it pulled me towards itself. I had not chosen it, god himself has chosen it. I went to the tree, I sat under the tree. As I sat there things started settling. The whole universe became a benediction.
It is difficult to say how long I was in that state. When I went back home it was four o'clock in the morning, so I must have been there by clock time at least three hours -- but it was infinity. It had nothing to do with clock time. It was timeless.
Those three hours became the whole eternity, endless eternity. There was no time, there was no passage of time; it was the virgin reality -- uncorrupted, untouchable, unmeasurable.
And that day something happened that has continued -- not as a continuity -- but it has still continued as an undercurrent. Not as a permanency -- each moment it has been happening again and again. It has been a miracle each moment.
That night... and since that night I have never been in the body. I am hovering around it. I became tremendously powerful and at the same time very fragile. I became very strong, but that strength is not the strength of a Mohammed Ali. That strength is not the strength of a rock, that strength is the strength of a rose flower -- so fragile in his strength... so fragile, so sensitive, so delicate.
The rock will be there, the flower can go any moment, but still the flower is stronger than the rock because it is more alive. Or, the strength of a dewdrop on a leaf of grass just shining; in the morning sun -- so beautiful, so precious, and yet can slip any moment. So incomparable in its grace, but a small breeze can come and the dewdrop can slip and be lost forever.
Buddhas have a strength which is not of this world. Their strength is totally of love... Like a rose flower or a dewdrop. Their strength is very fragile, vulnerable. Their strength is the strength of life not of death. Their power is not of that which kills; their power is of that which creates. Their power is not of violence, aggression; their power is that of compassion.
But I have never been in the body again, I am just hovering around the body. And that's why I say it has been a tremendous miracle. Each moment I am surprised I am still here, I should not be. I should have left any moment, still I am here. Every morning I open my eyes and I say, 'So, again I am still here?' Because it seems almost impossible. The miracle has been a continuity.
Just the other day somebody asked a question -- 'Osho, you are getting so fragile and delicate and so sensitive to the smells of hair oils and shampoos that it seems we will not be able to see you unless we all go bald.' By the way, nothing is wrong with being bald -- bald is beautiful. Just as 'black is beautiful', so 'bald is beautiful'. But that is true and you have to be careful about it.
I am fragile, delicate and sensitive. That is my strength. If you throw a rock at a flower nothing will happen to the rock, the flower will be gone. But still you cannot say that the rock is more powerful than the flower. The flower will be gone because the flower was alive. And the rock -- nothing will happen to it because it is dead. The flower will be gone because the flower has no strength to destroy. The flower will simply disappear and give way to the rock. The rock has a power to destroy because the rock is dead.
Remember, since that day I have never been in the body really; just a delicate thread joins me with the body. And I am continuously surprised that somehow the whole must be willing me to be here, because I am no more here with my own strength, I am no more here on my own. It must be the will of the whole to keep me here, to allow me to linger a little more on this shore. Maybe the whole wants to share something with you through me.
Since that day the world is unreal. Another world has been revealed. When I say the world is unreal I don't mean that these trees are unreal. These trees are absolutely real -- but the way you see these trees is unreal. These trees are not unreal in themselves -- they exist in god, they exist in absolute reality -- but the way you see them you never see them; you are seeing something else, a mirage.
You create your own dream around you and unless you become awake you will continue to dream. The world is unreal because the world that you know is the world of your dreams. When dreams drop and you simply encounter the world that is there, then the real world.
There are not two things, god and the world. God is the world if you have eyes, clear eyes, without any dreams, without any dust of the dreams, without any haze of sleep; if you have clear eyes, clarity, perceptiveness, there is only god.
Then somewhere god is a green tree, and somewhere else god is a shining star, and somewhere else god is a cuckoo, and somewhere else god is a flower, and somewhere else a child and somewhere else a river -- then only god is. The moment you start seeing, only god is.
But right now whatsoever you see is not the truth, it is a projected lie. That is the meaning of a mirage. And once you see, even for a single split moment, if you can see, if you can allow yourself to see, you will find immense benediction present all over, everywhere -- in the clouds, in the sun, on the earth.
This is a beautiful world. But I am not talking about your world, I am talking about my world. Your world is very ugly, your world is your world created by a self, your world is a projected world. You are using the real world as a screen and projecting your own ideas on it.
When I say the world is real, the world is tremendously beautiful, the world is luminous with infinity, the world is light and delight, it is a celebration, I mean my world -- or your world if you drop your dreams.
When you drop your dreams you see the same world as any Buddha has ever seen. When you dream you dream privately. Have you watched it? -- that dreams are private. You cannot share them even with your beloved. You cannot invite your wife to your dream -- or your husband, or your friend. You cannot say, 'Now, please come tonight in my dream. I would like to see the dream together.' It is not possible. Dream is a private thing, hence it is illusory, it has no objective reality.
God is a universal thing. Once you come out of your private dreams, it is there. It has been always there. Once your eyes are clear, a sudden illumination -- suddenly you are overflooded with beauty, grandeur and grace. That is the goal, that is the destiny.
Let me repeat. Without effort you will never reach it, with effort nobody has ever reached it. You will need great effort, and only then there comes a moment.when effort becomes futile. But it becomes futile only when you have come to the very peak of it, never before it. When you have come to the very pinnacle of your effort -- all that you can do you have done -- then suddenly there is no need to do anything any more. You drop the effort.
But nobody can drop it in the middle, it can be dropped only at the extreme end. So go to the extreme end if you want to drop it. Hence I go on insisting: make as much effort as you can, put your whole energy and total heart in it, so that one day you can see -- now effort is not going to lead me anywhere. And that day it will not be you who will drop the effort, it drops on its own accord. And when it drops on its own accord, meditation happens.
Meditation is not a result of your efforts, meditation is a happening. When your efforts drop, suddenly meditation is there... the benediction of it, the blessedness of it, the glory of it. It is there like a presence... luminous, surrounding you and surrounding everything. It fills the whole earth and the whole sky.
That meditation cannot be created by human effort. Human effort is too limited. That blessedness is so infinite. You cannot manipulate it. It can happen only when you are in a tremendous surrender. When you are not there only then it can happen. When you are a no-self -- no desire, not going anywhere -- when you are just herenow, not doing anything in particular, just being, it happens. And it comes in waves and the waves become tidal. It comes like a storm, and takes you away into a totally new reality.
But first you have to do all that you can do, and then you have to learn non-doing. The doing of the non-doing is the greatest doing, and the effort of effortlessness is the greatest effort.
Your meditation that you create by chanting a mantra or by sitting quiet and still and forcing yourself, is a very mediocre meditation. It is created by you, it cannot be bigger than you. It is homemade, and the maker is always bigger than the made. You have made it by sitting, forcing in a yoga posture, chanting 'rama, rama, rama' or anything -- 'blah, blah, blah' -- anything. You have forced the mind to become still.
It is a forced stillness. It is not that quiet that comes when you are not there. It is not that silence which comes when you are almost non-existential. It is not that beautitude which descends on you like a dove.
It is said when Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist in the Jordan River, god descended in him, or the holy ghost descended in him like a dove. Yes, that is exactly so. When you are not there peace descends in you... fluttering like a dove... reaches in your heart and abides there and abides there forever.
You are your undoing, you are the barrier. Meditation is when the meditator is not. When the mind ceases with all its activities -- seeing that they are futile -- then the unknown penetrates you, overwhelms you.
The mind must cease for god to be. Knowledge must cease for knowing to be. You must disappear, you must give way. You must become empty, then only you can be full.
That night I became empty and became full. I became non-existential and became existence. That night I died and was reborn. But the one that was reborn has nothing to do with that which died, it is a discontinuous thing. On the surface it looks continuous but it is discontinuous. The one who died, died totally; nothing of him has remained.
Believe me, nothing of him has remained, not even a shadow. It died totally, utterly. It is not that I am just a modified RUP, transformed, modified form, transformed form of the old. No, there has been no continuity. That day of March twenty-first, the person who had lived for many many lives, for millennia, simply died. Another being, absolutely new, not connected at all with the old, started to exist.
Religion just gives you a total death. Maybe that's why the whole day previous to that happening I was feeling some urgency like death, as if I am going to die -- and I really died. I have known many other deaths but they were nothing compared to it, they were partial deaths.
Sometimes the body died, sometimes a part of the mind died, sometimes a part of the ego died, but as far as the person was concerned, it remained. Renovated many times, decorated many times, changed a little bit here and there, but it remained, the continuity remained.
That night the death was total. It was a date with death and god simultaneously.
This article is reprinted with permission from The Discipline of Transcendence, Volume 2, Chapter 11. This book is currently out of print. The title "My Awakening" has been added by
Text and photograph opyright © Osho International Foundation.
Osho International Foundation
Osho was a twentieth-century enlightened guy who taught in India and the United States.
Our main reference page on Osho. Contains links, biography, book recommendations, etc.
Monday, April 18, 2005
an open letter to the new Pope to be ......
the guy who is gonna wear the shoes of the shephered of the flock
the shoes of the fisher man
your job is to lead the flock in the path shown by Jesus
Jesus the man, and
not Jesus the son of God
Jesus had all the weaknesses of man
He enjoyed a good drink
His fist miracle was when his glass was empty
at a wedding in Caan
He felt the pangs of hunger
and not just for food
Guys in those days had no hang ups
A Pope some time back in the centuries
who probably was impotent
declared dat ministers of the Church
cudnt be woomen
and they shud abstain from sex and marriage (oath of celibacy)
the Popes dat succeeded him didnt have the guts to challenge dat edict
it surely wasnt Jesus who wanted dis from His disciples
- Saby
the shoes of the fisher man
your job is to lead the flock in the path shown by Jesus
Jesus the man, and
not Jesus the son of God
Jesus had all the weaknesses of man
He enjoyed a good drink
His fist miracle was when his glass was empty
at a wedding in Caan
He felt the pangs of hunger
and not just for food
Guys in those days had no hang ups
A Pope some time back in the centuries
who probably was impotent
declared dat ministers of the Church
cudnt be woomen
and they shud abstain from sex and marriage (oath of celibacy)
the Popes dat succeeded him didnt have the guts to challenge dat edict
it surely wasnt Jesus who wanted dis from His disciples
- Saby
Thursday, April 14, 2005
Friday, April 08, 2005

'only those who are loving as little children, will enter the kingdom of heaven'........
said JESUS
Being ordained priest
then promoted to Bishop and Cardinal
only indicates perhaps 'good politics'
even the POPE dont have a passport/ visa to heaven
wont be surprised if the communists and the atheists
and the hindus and the muslims
out number the christians in heaven
Saturday, March 26, 2005
wooman in love ...... wid love .....
she is the truest sense of the word ..
i find dis very touching ... she is a loving mother to her two beautiful kids ..... and has now found love in the arms of a wooman ....
Just some shared thoughts,
feelings and reflections;
from a girl who is re-learning to love,
live, and breathe again.
Life is a personal journey!
There remains nothing sweeter and more beautiful in life
(other then my two bodacious darlings)
then watching myself be re-born!
I am full of hope, peace, and joy...
(however i still have a heavy heart:
a heart full of compassion,love, and faith:
a heart which remains in a constain state of searching...
someday it will find it's true home...)
i find dis very touching ... she is a loving mother to her two beautiful kids ..... and has now found love in the arms of a wooman ....
Just some shared thoughts,
feelings and reflections;
from a girl who is re-learning to love,
live, and breathe again.
Life is a personal journey!
There remains nothing sweeter and more beautiful in life
(other then my two bodacious darlings)
then watching myself be re-born!
I am full of hope, peace, and joy...
(however i still have a heavy heart:
a heart full of compassion,love, and faith:
a heart which remains in a constain state of searching...
someday it will find it's true home...)
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
I need a shot of love .....
Lord, take away this trouble in mind
I need a shot of love, I need a shot of love.
Don't need a shot of heroin to kill my disease,
Don't need a shot of turpentine, only bring me to my knees,
Don't need a shot of codeine to help me to repent,
Don't need a shot of whiskey, help me be president.
I need a shot of love, I need a shot of love.
Doctor, can you hear me? I need some Medicaid.
I seen the kingdoms of the world and it's makin' me feel afraid.
What I got ain't painful, it's just bound to kill me dead
Like the men that followed Jesus when they put a price upon His head.
I need a shot of love, I need a shot of love.
I don't need no alibi when I'm spending time with you.
I've heard all of them rumors and you have heard 'em too.
Don't show me no picture show or give me no book to read,
It don't satisfy the hurt inside nor the habit that it feeds.
I need a shot of love, I need a shot of love.
Why would I want to take your life?
You've only murdered my father, raped his wife,
Tattooed my babies with a poison pen,
Mocked my God, humiliated my friends.
I need a shot of love, I need a shot of love.
Don't wanna be with nobody tonight Veronica not around nowhere,
Mavis just ain't right.
There's a man that hates me and he's swift, smooth and near,
Am I supposed to set back and wait until he's here?
I need a shot of love, I need a shot of love.
What makes the wind wanna blow tonight?
Don't even feel like crossing the street and my car ain't actin' right.
Called home, everybody seemed to have moved away.
My conscience is beginning to bother me today.
I need a shot of love, I need a shot of love.
If you're a doctor, I need a shot of love.
I got to know, Lord, when to pull back on the reins,
Death can be the result of the most underrated pain.
Satan whispers to ya, "Well, I don't want to bore ya,
But when ya get tired of the Miss So-and-so I got another woman for ya."
Lord, take away this trouble in mind.
When the deeds that you do don't add up to zero,
It's what's inside that counts, ask any war hero.
You think you can hide but you're never alone,
Ask Lot what he thought when his wife turned to stone.
Lord, take away this trouble in mind.
Here comes Satan, prince of the power of the air,
He's gonna make you a law unto yourself, gonna build a bird's nest in your hair.
He's gonna deaden your conscience 'til you worship the work of your own hands,
You'll be serving strangers in a strange, forsaken land.
Lord, take away this trouble in mind.
Well, your true love has caught you where you don't belong,
You say, "Baby, everybody's doing it so I guess it can't be wrong."
The truth is far from you, so you know you got to lie,
Then you're all the time defending what you can never justify.
Lord, take away this trouble in mind.
So many of my brothers, they still want to be the boss,
They can't relate to the Lord's kingdom, they can't relate to the cross.
They self-inflict punishment on their own broken lives,
Put their faith in their possessions, in their jobs or their wives.
Lord, take away this trouble in mind.
When my life is over, it'll be like a puff of smoke,
Satan will give you a little taste, then he'll move in with rapid speed,
Lord keep my blind side covered and see that I don't bleed.
- Bob Dylan
I need a shot of love, I need a shot of love.
Don't need a shot of heroin to kill my disease,
Don't need a shot of turpentine, only bring me to my knees,
Don't need a shot of codeine to help me to repent,
Don't need a shot of whiskey, help me be president.
I need a shot of love, I need a shot of love.
Doctor, can you hear me? I need some Medicaid.
I seen the kingdoms of the world and it's makin' me feel afraid.
What I got ain't painful, it's just bound to kill me dead
Like the men that followed Jesus when they put a price upon His head.
I need a shot of love, I need a shot of love.
I don't need no alibi when I'm spending time with you.
I've heard all of them rumors and you have heard 'em too.
Don't show me no picture show or give me no book to read,
It don't satisfy the hurt inside nor the habit that it feeds.
I need a shot of love, I need a shot of love.
Why would I want to take your life?
You've only murdered my father, raped his wife,
Tattooed my babies with a poison pen,
Mocked my God, humiliated my friends.
I need a shot of love, I need a shot of love.
Don't wanna be with nobody tonight Veronica not around nowhere,
Mavis just ain't right.
There's a man that hates me and he's swift, smooth and near,
Am I supposed to set back and wait until he's here?
I need a shot of love, I need a shot of love.
What makes the wind wanna blow tonight?
Don't even feel like crossing the street and my car ain't actin' right.
Called home, everybody seemed to have moved away.
My conscience is beginning to bother me today.
I need a shot of love, I need a shot of love.
If you're a doctor, I need a shot of love.
I got to know, Lord, when to pull back on the reins,
Death can be the result of the most underrated pain.
Satan whispers to ya, "Well, I don't want to bore ya,
But when ya get tired of the Miss So-and-so I got another woman for ya."
Lord, take away this trouble in mind.
When the deeds that you do don't add up to zero,
It's what's inside that counts, ask any war hero.
You think you can hide but you're never alone,
Ask Lot what he thought when his wife turned to stone.
Lord, take away this trouble in mind.
Here comes Satan, prince of the power of the air,
He's gonna make you a law unto yourself, gonna build a bird's nest in your hair.
He's gonna deaden your conscience 'til you worship the work of your own hands,
You'll be serving strangers in a strange, forsaken land.
Lord, take away this trouble in mind.
Well, your true love has caught you where you don't belong,
You say, "Baby, everybody's doing it so I guess it can't be wrong."
The truth is far from you, so you know you got to lie,
Then you're all the time defending what you can never justify.
Lord, take away this trouble in mind.
So many of my brothers, they still want to be the boss,
They can't relate to the Lord's kingdom, they can't relate to the cross.
They self-inflict punishment on their own broken lives,
Put their faith in their possessions, in their jobs or their wives.
Lord, take away this trouble in mind.
When my life is over, it'll be like a puff of smoke,
Satan will give you a little taste, then he'll move in with rapid speed,
Lord keep my blind side covered and see that I don't bleed.
- Bob Dylan
Sunday, March 13, 2005
the SUPERMAN ......
on having no fear and no shame
if u have overcome the fear of shame
i.e. no ego
and the fear of death
then ur SUPERMAN
if u have overcome the fear of shame
i.e. no ego
and the fear of death
then ur SUPERMAN
loosing my LUST FOR LIFE .....
my greatest fear, says SAMEERA REDDY
'Let the dead bury the dead'
- Jesus
Dont mourn for
lost love
lost loved ones
lost money, lost fame, lost glory, lost power
it is never too late to start anew
only the truly religious and Hugh Heffner (Playboy)
have dis passion for life
its wat keeps John Paul II alive and kicking
dis guy even made a pass for Mother Theresa
'Let the dead bury the dead'
- Jesus
Dont mourn for
lost love
lost loved ones
lost money, lost fame, lost glory, lost power
it is never too late to start anew
only the truly religious and Hugh Heffner (Playboy)
have dis passion for life
its wat keeps John Paul II alive and kicking
dis guy even made a pass for Mother Theresa
Saturday, March 12, 2005
u dont have to quote from the good book always ........
Woody is fun too ...
My one regret in life is that I am not someone else.
(Woody Allen and His Comedy)
Death is an acquired trait.
(Woody Allen and His Comedy)
I don't want to achieve immortality through my work…I
want to achieve it through not dying.
(Woody Allen and His Comedy)
I took a course in speed reading learning to read straight down the middle of the page, and was able to read War and Peace in twenty minutes. It's about Russia.
(Quote and Unquote)
If only God would give me some clear sign! Like making a large deposit in my name at a Swiss bank.
(Selections from the Allen Notebooks, New Yorker)
On bisexuality: It immediately doubles your chances for a date on Saturday night.
(New York Times)
I recently turned sixty. Practically a third of my life is over.
(Sayings of the Week, Observer)
My problems all started with my early education. I went to a school for mentally disturbed teachers.
Another good thing about being poor is that when you are seventy your children will not have you declared legally insane in order to gain control of your estate.
The baby is fine. The only problem is that he looks like Edward G. Robinson.
I'm astounded by people who want to 'know' the universe when it's so hard to find your way around Chinatown.
How can I believe in God when only last week I got my tongue caught in the roller of an electric typewriter?
I sold the memoirs of my sex life to a publisher - they are going to make a board game out of it.
Basically my wife was immature. I'd be at home in my bath and she'd come in and sink my boats.
If there is reincarnation, I'd like to come back as Warren Beatty's fingertips.
The only time my wife and I had a simultaneous orgasm was when the judge signed the divorce papers.
I do not believe in an after life, although I am bringing a change of underwear.
If you want to make God laugh, tell him your future plans.
If you don't fail now and again, it's a sign you're playing it safe.
The good people sleep much better at night than the bad people. Of course, the bad people enjoy the waking hours much more.
More than any time in history mankind faces a crossroads. One path leads to despair and utter hopelessness, the other to total extinction. Let us pray that we have the wisdom to choose correctly.
What if everything is an illusion and nothing exists? In that case, I definitely overpaid for my carpet.
Interestingly, according to modern astronomers, space is finite. This is a very comforting thought - particularly for people who can never remember where they have left things.
94.5% of all statistics are made up.
Why ruin a good story with the truth?
Have you ever noticed that good people sleep better, but bad people seem to have more fun when they're awake?
It is impossible to travel faster than the speed of light and certainly not desirable, as ones hat keeps falling off...
I believe that sex is a beautiful thing between two people. Between five, it's fantastic.
I'm very proud of my gold pocket watch. My grandfather, on his deathbed, sold me this watch.
I don't think my parents liked me. They put a live teddy bear in my crib.
-Woody Allen
My one regret in life is that I am not someone else.
(Woody Allen and His Comedy)
Death is an acquired trait.
(Woody Allen and His Comedy)
I don't want to achieve immortality through my work…I
want to achieve it through not dying.
(Woody Allen and His Comedy)
I took a course in speed reading learning to read straight down the middle of the page, and was able to read War and Peace in twenty minutes. It's about Russia.
(Quote and Unquote)
If only God would give me some clear sign! Like making a large deposit in my name at a Swiss bank.
(Selections from the Allen Notebooks, New Yorker)
On bisexuality: It immediately doubles your chances for a date on Saturday night.
(New York Times)
I recently turned sixty. Practically a third of my life is over.
(Sayings of the Week, Observer)
My problems all started with my early education. I went to a school for mentally disturbed teachers.
Another good thing about being poor is that when you are seventy your children will not have you declared legally insane in order to gain control of your estate.
The baby is fine. The only problem is that he looks like Edward G. Robinson.
I'm astounded by people who want to 'know' the universe when it's so hard to find your way around Chinatown.
How can I believe in God when only last week I got my tongue caught in the roller of an electric typewriter?
I sold the memoirs of my sex life to a publisher - they are going to make a board game out of it.
Basically my wife was immature. I'd be at home in my bath and she'd come in and sink my boats.
If there is reincarnation, I'd like to come back as Warren Beatty's fingertips.
The only time my wife and I had a simultaneous orgasm was when the judge signed the divorce papers.
I do not believe in an after life, although I am bringing a change of underwear.
If you want to make God laugh, tell him your future plans.
If you don't fail now and again, it's a sign you're playing it safe.
The good people sleep much better at night than the bad people. Of course, the bad people enjoy the waking hours much more.
More than any time in history mankind faces a crossroads. One path leads to despair and utter hopelessness, the other to total extinction. Let us pray that we have the wisdom to choose correctly.
What if everything is an illusion and nothing exists? In that case, I definitely overpaid for my carpet.
Interestingly, according to modern astronomers, space is finite. This is a very comforting thought - particularly for people who can never remember where they have left things.
94.5% of all statistics are made up.
Why ruin a good story with the truth?
Have you ever noticed that good people sleep better, but bad people seem to have more fun when they're awake?
It is impossible to travel faster than the speed of light and certainly not desirable, as ones hat keeps falling off...
I believe that sex is a beautiful thing between two people. Between five, it's fantastic.
I'm very proud of my gold pocket watch. My grandfather, on his deathbed, sold me this watch.
I don't think my parents liked me. They put a live teddy bear in my crib.
-Woody Allen
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
Viva forever...: Diamonds
i been thrown out of paradise
my prob is dat i got a beeg mouth
and when u have a beeg mouth
its not so easy to keep it shut
Diamonds are stones too
ur right devile
but some perceive some stones
to be diamonds
and 'pearls before swine'
is my favourite
Ok...i had my say
i am happy now
feel free to comment
unlike some other blogger posts
ur free to comment wat u like
wont close the door in yr face
no matter wat !
but u say one nasty word abt Diffy
and i will re-arrange yr face
and u get the same treatment
if u say some ting nice abt the muslim guy
my prob is dat i got a beeg mouth
and when u have a beeg mouth
its not so easy to keep it shut
Diamonds are stones too
ur right devile
but some perceive some stones
to be diamonds
and 'pearls before swine'
is my favourite
Ok...i had my say
i am happy now
feel free to comment
unlike some other blogger posts
ur free to comment wat u like
wont close the door in yr face
no matter wat !
but u say one nasty word abt Diffy
and i will re-arrange yr face
and u get the same treatment
if u say some ting nice abt the muslim guy
Wednesday, February 23, 2005
the Cat liks.....
Jesus loves u
lemme tell u abt cat liks
i am one
The cat lik church has made some serious mistakes
1. i tink dat the Old Testament is not to be read any more
Jesus re-did the very notion of God
Old Testament talked abt an angry God .... and said 'fear God'
Jesus said God is yr father a loving father
The old testament is the book for jews who sre very hung up on rituals and diet
Jesus said WTF ! .... it dont matter wat u eat ... and rituals is bull shit !
Jesus never preached a word abt sex ... he didnt need to ... guys those days did not have any hang-ups on sex
Jesus supped wid tax collectors and Mary Magdalene gave him a foot massage and his disciples were scandalized ... Mary was a sex worker
i got a lot more to tell .....
mail me if any one is interested
lemme tell u abt cat liks
i am one
The cat lik church has made some serious mistakes
1. i tink dat the Old Testament is not to be read any more
Jesus re-did the very notion of God
Old Testament talked abt an angry God .... and said 'fear God'
Jesus said God is yr father a loving father
The old testament is the book for jews who sre very hung up on rituals and diet
Jesus said WTF ! .... it dont matter wat u eat ... and rituals is bull shit !
Jesus never preached a word abt sex ... he didnt need to ... guys those days did not have any hang-ups on sex
Jesus supped wid tax collectors and Mary Magdalene gave him a foot massage and his disciples were scandalized ... Mary was a sex worker
i got a lot more to tell .....
mail me if any one is interested
Saturday, February 19, 2005
men should not wear skirts.....
i repeat men shud never ever wear skirts
dunno wat im talking abt go to ......
got dis from the Kerry Adams porn collection
dunno wat im talking abt go to ......
got dis from the Kerry Adams porn collection
Thursday, February 17, 2005
Janice, Romeo and juliet .....
a fairy tale world
Janice (like kesh, dewdy, sebia and Caraf) lives in a fairy tale world of snow white and cinderella and officers and gentlemen ...
where guys love
but do not lust
where guys dont surf for porn
or watch blue movies
where when u marry
guys forget all their past loves
(sexy julia, football/ cricket, booze)
where marriages last for 7 lives
yes these goody-goody girls,
who even consider the vagina monologues disgusting
i feel sorry for guys like chris, Fira and the other suckers
who will marry these mermaids
Janice (like kesh, dewdy, sebia and Caraf) lives in a fairy tale world of snow white and cinderella and officers and gentlemen ...
where guys love
but do not lust
where guys dont surf for porn
or watch blue movies
where when u marry
guys forget all their past loves
(sexy julia, football/ cricket, booze)
where marriages last for 7 lives
yes these goody-goody girls,
who even consider the vagina monologues disgusting
i feel sorry for guys like chris, Fira and the other suckers
who will marry these mermaids
Wednesday, February 16, 2005
dangers of censorship
the middle ages once again
censorship is based on the prevailing norms/ mores of society
where as art is eternal
Galileo was sentenced to life imprisonment for declaring dat the earth moves round the sun
whereas bible is suppposed to say the contrary
evolution theory of Darwin
was not published for a long time
becoz it was believed dat it was contrary to the bible story about creation
folllowing books have been/ were banned by various states:
satanic verses ....... Rushdie
Lady Chattterlee's Lover
Lajjia ... Bangla Desh
the Kamasutra
the Khajuraho caves depicting sex positions
more later....
please comment
i intend to blast Keshi ......
censorship is based on the prevailing norms/ mores of society
where as art is eternal
Galileo was sentenced to life imprisonment for declaring dat the earth moves round the sun
whereas bible is suppposed to say the contrary
evolution theory of Darwin
was not published for a long time
becoz it was believed dat it was contrary to the bible story about creation
folllowing books have been/ were banned by various states:
satanic verses ....... Rushdie
Lady Chattterlee's Lover
Lajjia ... Bangla Desh
the Kamasutra
the Khajuraho caves depicting sex positions
more later....
please comment
i intend to blast Keshi ......
is the nude female/ male body obscene ?
I have just been diagnosed as sick
and have been condemned
I plead not guilty
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder
So is porn ….. So is erotica
So is art ….. So is crap
Who is to decide wat is wat ?
Do we need censorship by the moral police ?
Censorship is based on the premise dat the State shud decide wat is acceptable and wat is not
I believe I have the right to make my own judgement
Censorship is violence
I invite a debate on the subject
I have just been diagnosed as sick
and have been condemned
I plead not guilty
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder
So is porn ….. So is erotica
So is art ….. So is crap
Who is to decide wat is wat ?
Do we need censorship by the moral police ?
Censorship is based on the premise dat the State shud decide wat is acceptable and wat is not
I believe I have the right to make my own judgement
Censorship is violence
I invite a debate on the subject
Sunday, February 13, 2005
Money is the root of all evil ......
a study done by saby
Case 1:
u have just married yr sweet heart
a month later u have had yr first quarrel
wifey: u drink too much .....
hubby: so wat ... i used to drink b4 marriage ...and u new it
wifey: but the bills have not been paid and yr bar is always full
ROOT CAUSE: not enuff money to meet yr life style requirements
Case 2:
u have just married yr sweet heart
a month later u have had yr first quarrel
wifey: u always come home late
hubby: but dahling .. i gotta work to pay the bills ... car maintenance ... insurance premiums.... health club ... holidays in switzerland .....
Root cause: too much money ....
Case 3:
u have just married yr sweet heart
a month later u have had yr first quarrel
wifey: whenever, i call u a certain Rita picks up the fone. She got a real sexy voice. Who she ?
hubby: my secretary
wifey thinks: so dis why he comes home late and works on sundays too.
Case 1:
u have just married yr sweet heart
a month later u have had yr first quarrel
wifey: u drink too much .....
hubby: so wat ... i used to drink b4 marriage ...and u new it
wifey: but the bills have not been paid and yr bar is always full
ROOT CAUSE: not enuff money to meet yr life style requirements
Case 2:
u have just married yr sweet heart
a month later u have had yr first quarrel
wifey: u always come home late
hubby: but dahling .. i gotta work to pay the bills ... car maintenance ... insurance premiums.... health club ... holidays in switzerland .....
Root cause: too much money ....
Case 3:
u have just married yr sweet heart
a month later u have had yr first quarrel
wifey: whenever, i call u a certain Rita picks up the fone. She got a real sexy voice. Who she ?
hubby: my secretary
wifey thinks: so dis why he comes home late and works on sundays too.
u cant be happy wid just one
dis makes sense ... just hear him out ...
Multiplicity of Relationships --
>A polemical reply to Femina June 15, 04
>by Lama Shree Narayan Singh
>Human relationships are extremely complex. This is why it is
>unwise as also extremely dangerous to attempt to over simplify
>matters and state categorically in the June 15, 04 issue that
>polygamy is not the answer. Aristotlean logic of yes and no,
>light and dark, either or, do not apply to this realm; rather it
>is the Asian way of the simultaneous coexistence of paradoxes,
>both yes and no, right and wrong which is the more applicable.
>In one stroke of the pen Femina has succeeded in negating human
>experience and history spanning thousands of years. Every culture
>in the past has made allowances for the distinctive differences
>between men and women and has attempted to cater to their
>respective requirements. Our Indian culture has been no
>exception! In fact the concept of monogamy is totally foreign to
>the Indian psyche -- an import from latter day Christian
>Before we go any further, you do need to know of the origins of
>monogamy. It was institutionalised by Pope Gregory VI in the
>latter part of the eleventh century c. 1063 AD, to enable the
>church to keep track of children and their parentage. Prior to
>that the very concept of monogamy had been alien to Christendom.
>Subsequently even though the church tried its level best,
>throughout its history varying between creativity and turbulence,
>to enforce monogamy on its members, it has experienced merely
>varying degrees of success. In fact it was King Henry VIII of
>England who was excommunicated by the then Pope 1533 CE as he had
>wanted a divorce from his queen. This the Pope was not ready to
>give for various extra religious reasons of loyalty to the Holy
>Roman Emperor. It resulted in the creation of the Church of
>England! King Henry then went on to have married eight queens in
>succession with each former queen being imprisoned and later
>beheaded in the Tower of London.
>For the most part it has been found that people in Europe would
>be married and keep mistresses as well. Traditionally the
>Italians and the French have been renowned for their extra
>marital affairs which is accepted by society. They are also known
>for their skills in this regard. Jacques Chirac, former President
>of France made no bones about his love child, a beautiful
>daughter! The recently released book 'Sex with Kings: 500 Years
>of Adultery, Power, Rivalry and Revenge' by Eleanor Herman
>provides interesting historical insights into royal shenanigans
>in Europe. A fascinating book called the Decameron written by
>Boccacio is a medieval collection of a hundred stories of the
>sexual escapades of Italians, both the clergy and laity, which
>makes fascinating reading. In fact one Christian denomination,
>the Mormons in the US, actually advocates and practices polygamy.
>Sometimes its followers do fall foul of the law due to this.
>In India too girls and ladies, not to forget boys and eunuchs,
>were readily available for the exercise of royal prerogative as
>brides, courtesans, mistresses and lovers. The bottom line
>invariably was that the family always remained intact. A poignant
>statement in the movie Kama Sutra, 'You are the queen!' by the
>king's mother to her daughter in law in an attempt to console
>her, says it all, condoning his affair with an amazingly gifted
>courtesan. The last Nizam of Hyderabad had officially married
>nearly 550 queens; his late father 827! A century earlier,
>Maharaja Ranjit Singh, the Lion of Punjab, too had a predilection
>for ladies of varying ethnicity. Since beauty, grace and charm
>are to be found across all social strata, it stands to reason
>that most of these ladies would have been of plebeian origin.
>Many would have simply been elevated from the ranks of servants
>and slaves. Naturally each of them were unable to keep track of
>their children! The Nizam's descendants must number in
> thousands. Those of the Nawab of Awadh in and around Lucknow
>number nearly a thousand.
>Lord Krishna of the Mahabharata is said to have had eight
>principal queens and countless mistresses. Society at the time of
>Chanakya in the 4th century BCE, had evolved a system of keeping
>the home and family intact, even as males were presented
>opportunities to explore and express their libido! It was
>naturally common for courtesans to be employed in courts to train
>princes in the sacred arts as they matured.
>Males are natural sexual predators -- their hormones make them
>so! Ghenghis Khan has been termed the most successful alpha male
>as 7.5% of the populace of the former Mongolian empire carry his
>genes! It has been estimated that he has some 17 million
>descendants which including the British royal family! He would
>let his generals keep all the loot while the young and beautiful
>were brought to serve him both willingly and otherwise! Was it
>not Cassa Nova in medieval Italy who logged over 1600 partners
>and finally died of the clap! Recent reports reveal that V. Y.
>Lenin, the founder of communist USSR, too died of syphilis.
>Pertinently in the very cultures of its origin, monogamy has been
>debunked in practice. Where a hallowed institution such as the
>church has failed miserably to prevent multiple relationships in
>the west, the extent to which Femina will succeed in doing so in
>India, is highly questionable! It is important to bear in mind at
>this juncture, a highly pragmatic statement of a minister of
>Bangladesh who stated not quite ten years ago that there are two
>basic driving forces in humans -- stomach and sex!
>In its modern form in the west, monogamy has evolved into what
>can best be termed as 'serialised monogamy'. In other words,
>couples divorce and get married and remarried frequently. This
>creates difficulties particularly for their children who lose
>their moorings and sense of belonging. It then becomes a vicious
>cycle -- children of divorced parents themselves treat divorce as
>the norm as they grow up.
>Divorces are certainly very messy affairs as is known to any who
>has been through one. Rarely is either of the partners able to
>reconcile him or herself to this separation which takes a
>terrific mental toll on both. Even after a divorce the reference
>point of the marriage and spouse remains to haunt as it were,
>both the separated partners often leading to the creation of
>insurmountable problems. It would be far better to work towards a
>reconciliation of two extremes to a situation which is
>accommodating and practical rather than the imposition of left
>brain speculations concerning monogamy, serialised or otherwise
>on the hapless male or the seductrous.
>Europe has now evolved live in situations with children sans the
>burden of marriage, leaving each companion the option to remain,
>walk away or have other partners. In China it is common for those
>who are prosperous to have their families as also their
>mistresses living separately. I am told that in the staunchly
>Catholic country of the Philippines, the attitude to sex is
>rather casual, one which would certainly raise eyebrows
>elsewhere. Closer home, this has emerged as an acceptable
>solution to the requirements of men in Gujarat. The fact is that
>multiplicity of partners is a fact of life anywhere and
>everywhere, even though many would not agree with it or apply it
>to their personal lives.
>It is true that women seek stability and single partners, as
>studies carried out particularly in the west, have shown. The
>very psychotherapy you are promoting is a western discipline
>which is being adapted to eastern contexts. However, it does need
>to be emphasised that just as one's physician is no god, neither
>is one's psychotherapist. Even though s/he may have the best of
>training and intentions, the psychotherapist remains a human
>being with all the strengths and weaknesses common to us all.
>When I had consulted one many years ago I had been left wondering
>as to how he could help me when he was as human as I was and
>perhaps equally confused. I was then advised by my homeopathic
>doctor not to go in for shock therapy which is what was being
>advised for me.
>This is certainly not to suggest that they do not have an
>important role to play in that they are certainly able to help
>many people. They do charge money for their services and it is
>yet again the average person who seeks their supposedly expert
>advice who must pay for the services sought for. In this way,
>Femina is actually promoting the interests of and lobbying for
>psychotherapists at the expense of the ordinary person!
>What Femina will succeed in doing by taking such a purportedly
>high moral ground, is merely to create and perpetrate further
>suffering, particularly for men who will not know where to turn
>for renewal. They will increasingly become vegetables under the
>dominance of their spouses of decades having lost the inspiration
>for growth and evolution to the sterile concept of monogamy.
>There will be an increase in neurotic behaviour patterns amongst
>men who will then rush to their pet shrink for treatment,
>spending lakhs of rupees in the process. The extent to which a
>person may benefit from such therapies remains highly
>questionable in any case.
>After all can any therapy be more efficacious than the
>rejuvenation possible through direct interactions with young
>Pertinently psychotherapy is available, as also marriage
>counseling, only in the metros and a few other state capitals.
>Hence they are unavailable to almost the entire population of
>India! Perhaps you will realise the ridiculousness of your
>suggestion. Can one expect people to disrupt their lives to spend
>extended periods of time in metros for the sake of psychotherapy
>just because the new god Femina advocates it!
>And even then what is the guarantee of the quality of life
>improving subsequently! What is of paramount importance that one
>takes personal responsibility for oneself and one's own actions!
>It is important that one consciously applies oneself to
>personality growth and evolution for a balanced life! Most seem
>to be content to rely on their own limited projections of God or
>analysis of destiny to provide them with what is essentially an
>unstable and floating anchor for their existence. The situation
>would get even more complicated should a person treat his/her
>psychotherapist as the new found god! The law of Karma is
>inexorable even though we might seek to negate or overlook it in
>our daily lives! Whatever one does, will certainly have its
>repercussions, good or bad according to what one has done!
>And if it is held that Femina is meant for the modern
>metrosexual, then why market the magazine throughout the country
>where the values and principles propounded have little or no
>meaning or practicality?
>Honestly stated, men are in need of constant renewal and
>rejuvenation. This is true of women as well but their
>requirements are different and I cannot speak for them. Whether
>this is possible with a wife of say 20 years is a moot point.
>However, it is certainly possible with an yet unknown lady in her
>late teens of the 20s. A young lady would not be carrying the
>mental impressions of having lived for many years. She would be
>vivacious and full of inspiration concerning the future. She
>would also bring a freshness of background and vision into the
>relationship which would certainly urge men to feel and act
>younger. It is exactly this which has been immortalised in
>Vladimir Nabokov's work Lolita.
>The physical changes which occur in men and women as they age are
>also different. Women tend to increasingly lose their libido as
>they reach menopause. Moreover they lose their natural elasticity
>and lubrication. Men too go through what is now being termed as
>male menopause from their late forties onwards. This actually
>results in an increase in their libido and increased attraction
>towards ladies. Clearly as a man becomes more and more aware of
>his mortality, he becomes the more desirous of leaving behind his
>progeny for posterity be it from other ladies! Perhaps this is
>why an Indian adage states that a man of sixty is like a young
>Two of my own class friends provide excellent illustrations of
>this. At 56, the one living in Australia was living with a young
>lady the age of his children from his first marriage. When we
>last met at a reunion in Kolkata he was writing books and giving
>talks in Australia on social interactions and has his own
>dedicated following there. Basically he was enjoying living!
>Amazingly the life enjoyment index in India is pretty low!
>Another settled in Gurgaon contents himself with pegs of tequila
>and being supercilious in his e-mail dispatches. He is married
>thirty years to his school sweetheart and continues as such,
>having seemingly sunk into an existential meaninglessness as
>their children are all grown up and settled away from them.
>Yet a third fondly recollects his infrequent visits to the
>Philippines where his wife's cousins would cozy up to him as a
>matter of course.
>On the other hand there are many who prosper in a monogamous
>situation and would never ever even dream of intimacy with
>another. Nurture of one's children provides a strong cohesiveness
>for a marriage to continue. My own father and mother in law spent
>most of their adult life raising seven daughters. The youngest
>was married last fall. They are now in their seventies. They have
>been unusually fortunate in that one of the daughters invariably
>continues to live with them taking care of them.
>The thesis of monogamy actually misses out on the crux of human
>relationships. The personality matrices of two people has limited
>intersections leaving the unstimulated elements and aspects
>crying out for fulfillment. Every individual needs to grow
>personally and this can only be possible in a multiple companion
>relationship! In other words, each relationship has its own
>possibilities and limitations. Once the saturation point is
>reached in any relationship, the quest automatically shifts to
>another for fulfillment! Here it is of the utmost importance that
>one does not fall into the trap of comparing one partner with
>Every person is unique and brings one's own uniqueness into a
>relationship which another cannot do!
>No psychotherapist can deny this, however staunch a supporter
>s/he might be of monogamy. This is stated succinctly in the
>Gilbert & Sullivan operetta Trial by Jury where the highly
>precocious hero sings: 'You cannot eat breakfast all day, Nor is
>it the act of a sinner, When breakfast is taken away to turn his
>attention to dinner .... Nor is it the act of a glutton, ... For
>when he gets tired of beef, Turns his attention to mutton.' He
>goes on to sing, 'But this I am willing to say, That if it
>appease her sorrow, I'll marry this lady today, And this other
>The modern person in India certainly looks to Femina for
>leadership. It is therefore of the utmost importance that the
>magazine does not adopt a supposedly moral high ground which will
>merely further the economic interests of a particular group of
>professionals. Neither is it appropriate for you to enunciate a
>lifestyle which can never be accessed by any except a miniscule
>3-5% of the populace.
>If it is happiness that which Femina wishes to promote, then it
>would be far better to throw open the concept of monogamy vs
>polygamy to an open forum. There the results of research carried
>out again primarily in the west on such issues in all its
>variations, could gradually be brought into focus. People could
>then be provided a proper framework for understanding and
>possible functionality. Having stated this, it must be remembered
>that relationships are rarely based on reason but the x-factor of
>emotionality. And it is here that the Indian woman excels!
>The experience of eastern traditions clearly nurtures multiple
>relationships while keeping marriages and families intact! Even
>Manusmriti with all its peculiarities and lacunae, refers to the
>nine types of children a person may have. The Hindu Marriage Act
>and Hindu Law advocating monogamy date back merely to 1955 & 1956
>or a mere fifty years. In contrast human civilisation dates back
>to seven thousand years at least. These two acts were clearly
>influenced by Christian concepts of humanism and liberalism!
>Neither of these is indigenous to our country. India has evolved
>in its own distinctive way in a manner through history which
>bears no resemblance to the processes through which modern Europe
>has evolved, from which derives monogamy!
>This is certainly the reason that democracy, law and order,
>social justice and so on, have been reinterpreted in the Indian
>context in their own unique and pernicious manner bearing little
>or no resemblance to their counterparts in the western
>hemisphere! Pertinently in India criminals are being 'elected' to
>the Parliament and State Legislatures and also being appointed as
>ministers. Such an event is totally inconceivable in the north!
>Until the promulgation of these two acts, it was the tradition
>and culture of each community which governed marital, conjugal
>and post marital relationships. Even now, both the Hindu Marriage
>Act & Hindu Law make allowances for the customs and traditions of
>communities but in a limited way. Currently in spite of it, Hindu
>men do get married and maintain more than one spouse living under
>the same roof in harmony with their children, sometimes
>elsewhere. In fact three immediate neighbours of this writer have
>two spouses each.
>What is fascinating is that bigamy or polygamy becomes an offence
>under Hindu Law only when one of the wives files a complaint in
>court. In the absence of any protest, the law has no right to
>interfere in any such situation which is therefore condoned.
>It is also not uncommon for couples who have no children, to opt
>for an addition in the family for its furtherance. My own father
>was married to two ladies and for me it was wonderful growing up
>with three parents. My elder mother had actually persuaded my
>father to get married again for the sake of progeny otherwise I
>would never have been born. And amazingly my elder mother was
>more of a mother to me in many ways than my birth mother who
>later turned my most bitter enemy.
>In the west infertility has given rise to the phenomenon of
>surrogate mothers which has given rise to a new discussion of
>ethics and its own problems deriving from mother and child
>bonding! In India too one hears reports of incidents of a woman
>in need of finances becoming a gestational mother for an
>infertile couple. Norms have yet to be laid down in this context
>in India.
>Currently due to the efforts of various NGOs, particularly Mother
>Teresa's Missionaries of Charity, adoption is becoming an
>accepted alternative in Hindu society. The classic example of
>adoption is of course Lord Krishna who was raised by foster
>parents Nanda & Yashoda. His natural parents were Basudeva &
>Devaki. One is mesmerised to see middle aged white couples from
>abroad adopting brown children from such homes and taking them
>back to their countries! For some mysterious reason their doctors
>maintain that a first child born to a lady in her thirties is
>risky both for the prospective mother and child. In doing so
>doctors in the west are actually providing the greatest
>disservice to their own peoples as they are ensuring the
>shrinkage of their native gene pools and the induction of those
> from abroad. This writer always wonders as to how such children
>deal with the issue of ethnicity as they grow up, living in a
>white society speaking and behaving like them! Surely the host
> communities feel the strain of such foreign inductions!
>Currently another problem has come into focus with nuclear
>families. Parents devote the best years of their life to the
>nurture of their children. Once grown up, they leave their nest
>and move away, many to far flung regions of the world. Ageing
>parents are left behind to take care of themselves. This
>suggestion is taken from our own experience at home where my
>birth mother, had cared for her co-spouse, my elder mother,
>sixteen years her elder, during the last year of her life when
>she had become an invalid and later became a living vegetable
>until her demise Dec 98. The suggestion is that a co-spouse could
>certainly fill in the vacuum left behind by the departure of
>adult children and take care of ageing couples!
>In spite of strictures against child marriage, communities
>continue to challenge local administrations who are constrained
>then to acquiesce. Similarly the barbaric process of sati
>continues to be glorified and practised in pockets in India on
>the odd occasion in the name of relidious tradition. Female
>foeticide and infanticide is yet another scourge which needs to
>be seriously addressed. Treatment of widows too is a glaring
>example of how tradition may be used or misused to perpetrate
>human suffering. This is evident from reports dealing with the
>hapless many who have chosen to make Varanasi their homes, having
>been shunned by their in laws all in the name of religion. These
>are issues which Femina can highlight meaningfully compelling a
>national debate.
>I recall my father, an incredible scholar, would on occasion,
>refer to a couple of arcane social principles. One of them was
>'an aryan lady has the right to chose who will father her child.'
>The queens of Dasharatha and Kunti, queen of Pandu are
>outstanding examples of such acts of volition. The other was 'the
>womb of an aryan lady must never remain barren!' This was a
>practice prevalent in India in the past where people would
>cohabit to further a particular end.
>Similarly the Holy Quran permits a person to marry upto four
>times with the rider that he treat each of his wives with equal
>love and affection. There also exists a provision for short term
>marriages termed muttah nikah.
>The Sikh Gurus have enjoined upon their followers to remain
>faithful to their one wife! Even so the famous Maharaja Ranjit
>Singh of two centuries ago had a large harem of queens and
>Currently in India one finds the emergence of the new maharajas
>-- politicians and bureaucrats who consider themselves at liberty
>to indulge in themselves. It is common for them to suitably
>reward their companions for the favours received. Some girls
>would consider it a privilege to thus serve their elders; others
>might do it out of financial necessity! The fact remains however,
>that multiplicity of relationships remains rampant.
>In ancient Egypt too, as researched by National Geographic, there
>is an account of the court of the Pharaoh Amenhotep and Queen
>Nefretiti circa 1326 BC, how daughters of a local vassal king
>Tashoreth [Dasharath?] were sent there as a matter of course to
>serve as mistresses! He was assassinated by his eldest son,
>Ramses [Ram?], who then ascended the throne. Such multiplicity
>also served the important role of cementing relations between
>kings and kingdoms!
>It does need to be remembered however that religious texts of any
>tradition are in themselves a body apart and it is not necessary
>to find a person who claims to be of a particular faith to be
>actually following its purported teachings. Invariably they tend
>to be qualified by the host culture in which a particular
>religion finds its expression. In fact it is now becoming
>apparent that the laity of any particular religion for the most
>part, knows little about the faith it openly professes, people
>invariably remaining content with the label and external
>observances, rather than the content. The latter remains in the
>realm of the religious clergy who are empowered by the laity to
>exercise dominance on them in matters religious.
>Polyandry too deserves mention although I am the least qualified
>to discuss this topic. However it has been noticed in India that
>in the event a lady is married to two brothers or more, it
>actually perpetuates congeniality within the family and the
>conservation of resources. The example of the Five Pandavas comes
>immediately to mind where in spite of their common queen
>Draupadi, each of them did marry at least one other or cohabit
>with another for the fulfillment of a particular purpose. How
>often has it been seen that brothers move apart because of the
>conflicting interests of their wives? Sindhis have an interesting
>take on this in that in a family with two brothers or more, the
>attempt is to find brides who are sisters or perhaps immediate
>cousins in an attempt to promote post marital conviviality.
>Now another concept, that of soul mate which has become passe.
>This refers to a far deeper, profound and meaningful relationship
>beyond monogamy, polygamy and so on! For example Shantanu Rishi,
>it is said, cohabited with a fisherman's daughter Matsyagandha as
>a result of which her body odour was transformed into the sweet
>smell of a lotus and Shakuntala was born. Similarly there exist
>recent reports of ailing spiritual Masters and their in the
>Himalayan Buddhist traditions, of having been healed through
>intimacy with sulakshana ladies. Some terms used traditionally to
>refer to the interplay of masculine and feminine energies are
>yab-yum, shiva-shakti, yin-yang!
>Multiple relationships prior to marriage, while being married or
>divorced and elsewhere, have now become a fact of life
>particularly in the larger cities which cannot but be
>acknowledged. Thanks to the ubiquitous tv, youngsters find
>themselves titillated in a variety of ways leading to premarital
>relationships even in villages. Gynecologists in small towns
>flourish from terminating such pregnancies. In the west this has
>emerged as the norm with the emancipation and empowerment of
>women. The Catholic Church vehemently opposes it and a debate
>between pro-life supporters and those of the woman's choice,
>continues unabated. The process of growing up necessary entails
>the exploring of one's bodies as also those of others, and
>sensuality and sexuality whether at school, college or
>university. This gradually evolves into the search for a life
>partner the Mr. or Ms Right.
>Sex in the work place too is a reality. Whereas there are many
>who might baulk at such relationships, it is common for the
>chemistry of two married people to click at work resulting in
>affairs. The Sunday July 4, 04 edition of Hindustan Times, Patna
>carried an analysis of how ambitious young ladies use the couch
>to further their careers. The film and fashion industries in
>India have long been known for this road map to success. Clearly
>all stops are now being removed. Yet another article in the
>Sunday section of HT July 11, 04 refers to a growing trend
>amongst young ladies to remain independent exploring and enjoying
>life to the full prior to settling down to a married life later
>on in life at around thirty.
>Ladies from respectable families and with plenty of self respect,
>are also making themselves available on call in the larger
>cities. Thus they are able to earn money for their services
>either out of financial necessity, just for the extra pocket
>money or even simply for the fun or experience of it. Reportedly
>many in the metros have made it their livelihood spending their
>weekends with their rich and committed clients. The remainder of
>the week they are free to devote as they will, leading lavish
>life styles!
>The recently released film Julie is a highly sensitive exposition
>on the life of a call girl. It highlights the vulnerability of
>women in Indian society and the manner in which they may be used
>and abused by men, be it at the local level or at that of govt.
>ministers. The script is extremely pertinent. Julie, during her
>tv interview, says that she has actually been buying the
>masculinity of men through her profession while making them pay
>for this purchase. The concluding monologue by the industrial
>baron who justifies his love for Julie and accepts her as his
>wife wraps up the film beautifully conveying a powerful social
>and ethical message. Poignantly he says that these call girls
>perform an incomparable function in society as it is due to their
>sacrifice that the other ladies in society live secure.
>With the disintegration of the USSR, young ladies from the CIS
>countries, where the economic situation is difficult, regularly
>visit the Middle East, India and elsewhere. Offering their
>services and expertise in such matters, they are able to make
>considerably large sums of money within a few months, which they
>then utilise to establish themselves back home. Any male will
>certainly feel the lure to engage with active new partners from
>abroad who would titillate them in novel ways and perhaps
>initiate them into the finer skills not available indigenously.
>Newspapers in India regularly carry reports of such ladies who
>have fallen in the police net perhaps because they were unable to
>satisfy their captors of their needs.
>A survey published in Newsweek recently shows that therapists
>have estimated that almost 40% of the women they counsel have had
>extramarital affairs' and 'that married women often indulge in
>extramarital affairs at the workplace and are meeting potential
>partners on the Internet.' In the UK a phenomenon called Blue
>Toothing has become extremely popular in which casual rendezvous
>are made using mobile phones.
>All said and done, one does hear the refrain from the modern
>Indian that a woman can share everything with another, except her
>husband! For the rich and the poor as also those in between --
>this is an issue relevant to every single person. Paradoxically
>it is this sharing which has kept civilisations intact and
>running smoothly over thousands of years. This purported rigidity
>of the fairer sex, if somewhat relaxed, as has been historically
>the case in India and elsewhere, could certainly enhance
>congeniality in the life of their spouses and create harmony at
>home and in the family with the attributes that nature has
>endowed the two sexes! Even today this liberal perspective
>certainly has its takers in India as also in modern societies
>One is certainly left wondering as to the successful couples and
>people interviewed each week by Simi Garewal as shown in Star
>World, actively participate in extra marital relationships!
>No such discussion can ever be complete sans the inclusion of a
>movement referred to 'broad minded' prevalent the more so in
>metros and some state capitals. This refers to consensuous
>cohabitation between couples. Their methods are varied and can
>range from parties where interchanges are accepted as the norm,
>group participation encouraged, or to arrangements made by mail.
>One such method is to put all the car keys of the party goers in
>a small container and have each lady pick one -- the person who
>is to spend the night with her!
>Clearly the issues involved are extremely varied and complex!
>There are no clear cut answers to these essentially human
>situations! One is certainly left wondering as to whether Femina
>is in touch with reality or living in its own ivory tower!
>Which 'maa kaa laal' can resist the charms of fecund female
>hormones? This really is the bottom line!
>'Blessed is the man who simultaneously enjoys the love of many
Multiplicity of Relationships --
>A polemical reply to Femina June 15, 04
>by Lama Shree Narayan Singh
>Human relationships are extremely complex. This is why it is
>unwise as also extremely dangerous to attempt to over simplify
>matters and state categorically in the June 15, 04 issue that
>polygamy is not the answer. Aristotlean logic of yes and no,
>light and dark, either or, do not apply to this realm; rather it
>is the Asian way of the simultaneous coexistence of paradoxes,
>both yes and no, right and wrong which is the more applicable.
>In one stroke of the pen Femina has succeeded in negating human
>experience and history spanning thousands of years. Every culture
>in the past has made allowances for the distinctive differences
>between men and women and has attempted to cater to their
>respective requirements. Our Indian culture has been no
>exception! In fact the concept of monogamy is totally foreign to
>the Indian psyche -- an import from latter day Christian
>Before we go any further, you do need to know of the origins of
>monogamy. It was institutionalised by Pope Gregory VI in the
>latter part of the eleventh century c. 1063 AD, to enable the
>church to keep track of children and their parentage. Prior to
>that the very concept of monogamy had been alien to Christendom.
>Subsequently even though the church tried its level best,
>throughout its history varying between creativity and turbulence,
>to enforce monogamy on its members, it has experienced merely
>varying degrees of success. In fact it was King Henry VIII of
>England who was excommunicated by the then Pope 1533 CE as he had
>wanted a divorce from his queen. This the Pope was not ready to
>give for various extra religious reasons of loyalty to the Holy
>Roman Emperor. It resulted in the creation of the Church of
>England! King Henry then went on to have married eight queens in
>succession with each former queen being imprisoned and later
>beheaded in the Tower of London.
>For the most part it has been found that people in Europe would
>be married and keep mistresses as well. Traditionally the
>Italians and the French have been renowned for their extra
>marital affairs which is accepted by society. They are also known
>for their skills in this regard. Jacques Chirac, former President
>of France made no bones about his love child, a beautiful
>daughter! The recently released book 'Sex with Kings: 500 Years
>of Adultery, Power, Rivalry and Revenge' by Eleanor Herman
>provides interesting historical insights into royal shenanigans
>in Europe. A fascinating book called the Decameron written by
>Boccacio is a medieval collection of a hundred stories of the
>sexual escapades of Italians, both the clergy and laity, which
>makes fascinating reading. In fact one Christian denomination,
>the Mormons in the US, actually advocates and practices polygamy.
>Sometimes its followers do fall foul of the law due to this.
>In India too girls and ladies, not to forget boys and eunuchs,
>were readily available for the exercise of royal prerogative as
>brides, courtesans, mistresses and lovers. The bottom line
>invariably was that the family always remained intact. A poignant
>statement in the movie Kama Sutra, 'You are the queen!' by the
>king's mother to her daughter in law in an attempt to console
>her, says it all, condoning his affair with an amazingly gifted
>courtesan. The last Nizam of Hyderabad had officially married
>nearly 550 queens; his late father 827! A century earlier,
>Maharaja Ranjit Singh, the Lion of Punjab, too had a predilection
>for ladies of varying ethnicity. Since beauty, grace and charm
>are to be found across all social strata, it stands to reason
>that most of these ladies would have been of plebeian origin.
>Many would have simply been elevated from the ranks of servants
>and slaves. Naturally each of them were unable to keep track of
>their children! The Nizam's descendants must number in
> thousands. Those of the Nawab of Awadh in and around Lucknow
>number nearly a thousand.
>Lord Krishna of the Mahabharata is said to have had eight
>principal queens and countless mistresses. Society at the time of
>Chanakya in the 4th century BCE, had evolved a system of keeping
>the home and family intact, even as males were presented
>opportunities to explore and express their libido! It was
>naturally common for courtesans to be employed in courts to train
>princes in the sacred arts as they matured.
>Males are natural sexual predators -- their hormones make them
>so! Ghenghis Khan has been termed the most successful alpha male
>as 7.5% of the populace of the former Mongolian empire carry his
>genes! It has been estimated that he has some 17 million
>descendants which including the British royal family! He would
>let his generals keep all the loot while the young and beautiful
>were brought to serve him both willingly and otherwise! Was it
>not Cassa Nova in medieval Italy who logged over 1600 partners
>and finally died of the clap! Recent reports reveal that V. Y.
>Lenin, the founder of communist USSR, too died of syphilis.
>Pertinently in the very cultures of its origin, monogamy has been
>debunked in practice. Where a hallowed institution such as the
>church has failed miserably to prevent multiple relationships in
>the west, the extent to which Femina will succeed in doing so in
>India, is highly questionable! It is important to bear in mind at
>this juncture, a highly pragmatic statement of a minister of
>Bangladesh who stated not quite ten years ago that there are two
>basic driving forces in humans -- stomach and sex!
>In its modern form in the west, monogamy has evolved into what
>can best be termed as 'serialised monogamy'. In other words,
>couples divorce and get married and remarried frequently. This
>creates difficulties particularly for their children who lose
>their moorings and sense of belonging. It then becomes a vicious
>cycle -- children of divorced parents themselves treat divorce as
>the norm as they grow up.
>Divorces are certainly very messy affairs as is known to any who
>has been through one. Rarely is either of the partners able to
>reconcile him or herself to this separation which takes a
>terrific mental toll on both. Even after a divorce the reference
>point of the marriage and spouse remains to haunt as it were,
>both the separated partners often leading to the creation of
>insurmountable problems. It would be far better to work towards a
>reconciliation of two extremes to a situation which is
>accommodating and practical rather than the imposition of left
>brain speculations concerning monogamy, serialised or otherwise
>on the hapless male or the seductrous.
>Europe has now evolved live in situations with children sans the
>burden of marriage, leaving each companion the option to remain,
>walk away or have other partners. In China it is common for those
>who are prosperous to have their families as also their
>mistresses living separately. I am told that in the staunchly
>Catholic country of the Philippines, the attitude to sex is
>rather casual, one which would certainly raise eyebrows
>elsewhere. Closer home, this has emerged as an acceptable
>solution to the requirements of men in Gujarat. The fact is that
>multiplicity of partners is a fact of life anywhere and
>everywhere, even though many would not agree with it or apply it
>to their personal lives.
>It is true that women seek stability and single partners, as
>studies carried out particularly in the west, have shown. The
>very psychotherapy you are promoting is a western discipline
>which is being adapted to eastern contexts. However, it does need
>to be emphasised that just as one's physician is no god, neither
>is one's psychotherapist. Even though s/he may have the best of
>training and intentions, the psychotherapist remains a human
>being with all the strengths and weaknesses common to us all.
>When I had consulted one many years ago I had been left wondering
>as to how he could help me when he was as human as I was and
>perhaps equally confused. I was then advised by my homeopathic
>doctor not to go in for shock therapy which is what was being
>advised for me.
>This is certainly not to suggest that they do not have an
>important role to play in that they are certainly able to help
>many people. They do charge money for their services and it is
>yet again the average person who seeks their supposedly expert
>advice who must pay for the services sought for. In this way,
>Femina is actually promoting the interests of and lobbying for
>psychotherapists at the expense of the ordinary person!
>What Femina will succeed in doing by taking such a purportedly
>high moral ground, is merely to create and perpetrate further
>suffering, particularly for men who will not know where to turn
>for renewal. They will increasingly become vegetables under the
>dominance of their spouses of decades having lost the inspiration
>for growth and evolution to the sterile concept of monogamy.
>There will be an increase in neurotic behaviour patterns amongst
>men who will then rush to their pet shrink for treatment,
>spending lakhs of rupees in the process. The extent to which a
>person may benefit from such therapies remains highly
>questionable in any case.
>After all can any therapy be more efficacious than the
>rejuvenation possible through direct interactions with young
>Pertinently psychotherapy is available, as also marriage
>counseling, only in the metros and a few other state capitals.
>Hence they are unavailable to almost the entire population of
>India! Perhaps you will realise the ridiculousness of your
>suggestion. Can one expect people to disrupt their lives to spend
>extended periods of time in metros for the sake of psychotherapy
>just because the new god Femina advocates it!
>And even then what is the guarantee of the quality of life
>improving subsequently! What is of paramount importance that one
>takes personal responsibility for oneself and one's own actions!
>It is important that one consciously applies oneself to
>personality growth and evolution for a balanced life! Most seem
>to be content to rely on their own limited projections of God or
>analysis of destiny to provide them with what is essentially an
>unstable and floating anchor for their existence. The situation
>would get even more complicated should a person treat his/her
>psychotherapist as the new found god! The law of Karma is
>inexorable even though we might seek to negate or overlook it in
>our daily lives! Whatever one does, will certainly have its
>repercussions, good or bad according to what one has done!
>And if it is held that Femina is meant for the modern
>metrosexual, then why market the magazine throughout the country
>where the values and principles propounded have little or no
>meaning or practicality?
>Honestly stated, men are in need of constant renewal and
>rejuvenation. This is true of women as well but their
>requirements are different and I cannot speak for them. Whether
>this is possible with a wife of say 20 years is a moot point.
>However, it is certainly possible with an yet unknown lady in her
>late teens of the 20s. A young lady would not be carrying the
>mental impressions of having lived for many years. She would be
>vivacious and full of inspiration concerning the future. She
>would also bring a freshness of background and vision into the
>relationship which would certainly urge men to feel and act
>younger. It is exactly this which has been immortalised in
>Vladimir Nabokov's work Lolita.
>The physical changes which occur in men and women as they age are
>also different. Women tend to increasingly lose their libido as
>they reach menopause. Moreover they lose their natural elasticity
>and lubrication. Men too go through what is now being termed as
>male menopause from their late forties onwards. This actually
>results in an increase in their libido and increased attraction
>towards ladies. Clearly as a man becomes more and more aware of
>his mortality, he becomes the more desirous of leaving behind his
>progeny for posterity be it from other ladies! Perhaps this is
>why an Indian adage states that a man of sixty is like a young
>Two of my own class friends provide excellent illustrations of
>this. At 56, the one living in Australia was living with a young
>lady the age of his children from his first marriage. When we
>last met at a reunion in Kolkata he was writing books and giving
>talks in Australia on social interactions and has his own
>dedicated following there. Basically he was enjoying living!
>Amazingly the life enjoyment index in India is pretty low!
>Another settled in Gurgaon contents himself with pegs of tequila
>and being supercilious in his e-mail dispatches. He is married
>thirty years to his school sweetheart and continues as such,
>having seemingly sunk into an existential meaninglessness as
>their children are all grown up and settled away from them.
>Yet a third fondly recollects his infrequent visits to the
>Philippines where his wife's cousins would cozy up to him as a
>matter of course.
>On the other hand there are many who prosper in a monogamous
>situation and would never ever even dream of intimacy with
>another. Nurture of one's children provides a strong cohesiveness
>for a marriage to continue. My own father and mother in law spent
>most of their adult life raising seven daughters. The youngest
>was married last fall. They are now in their seventies. They have
>been unusually fortunate in that one of the daughters invariably
>continues to live with them taking care of them.
>The thesis of monogamy actually misses out on the crux of human
>relationships. The personality matrices of two people has limited
>intersections leaving the unstimulated elements and aspects
>crying out for fulfillment. Every individual needs to grow
>personally and this can only be possible in a multiple companion
>relationship! In other words, each relationship has its own
>possibilities and limitations. Once the saturation point is
>reached in any relationship, the quest automatically shifts to
>another for fulfillment! Here it is of the utmost importance that
>one does not fall into the trap of comparing one partner with
>Every person is unique and brings one's own uniqueness into a
>relationship which another cannot do!
>No psychotherapist can deny this, however staunch a supporter
>s/he might be of monogamy. This is stated succinctly in the
>Gilbert & Sullivan operetta Trial by Jury where the highly
>precocious hero sings: 'You cannot eat breakfast all day, Nor is
>it the act of a sinner, When breakfast is taken away to turn his
>attention to dinner .... Nor is it the act of a glutton, ... For
>when he gets tired of beef, Turns his attention to mutton.' He
>goes on to sing, 'But this I am willing to say, That if it
>appease her sorrow, I'll marry this lady today, And this other
>The modern person in India certainly looks to Femina for
>leadership. It is therefore of the utmost importance that the
>magazine does not adopt a supposedly moral high ground which will
>merely further the economic interests of a particular group of
>professionals. Neither is it appropriate for you to enunciate a
>lifestyle which can never be accessed by any except a miniscule
>3-5% of the populace.
>If it is happiness that which Femina wishes to promote, then it
>would be far better to throw open the concept of monogamy vs
>polygamy to an open forum. There the results of research carried
>out again primarily in the west on such issues in all its
>variations, could gradually be brought into focus. People could
>then be provided a proper framework for understanding and
>possible functionality. Having stated this, it must be remembered
>that relationships are rarely based on reason but the x-factor of
>emotionality. And it is here that the Indian woman excels!
>The experience of eastern traditions clearly nurtures multiple
>relationships while keeping marriages and families intact! Even
>Manusmriti with all its peculiarities and lacunae, refers to the
>nine types of children a person may have. The Hindu Marriage Act
>and Hindu Law advocating monogamy date back merely to 1955 & 1956
>or a mere fifty years. In contrast human civilisation dates back
>to seven thousand years at least. These two acts were clearly
>influenced by Christian concepts of humanism and liberalism!
>Neither of these is indigenous to our country. India has evolved
>in its own distinctive way in a manner through history which
>bears no resemblance to the processes through which modern Europe
>has evolved, from which derives monogamy!
>This is certainly the reason that democracy, law and order,
>social justice and so on, have been reinterpreted in the Indian
>context in their own unique and pernicious manner bearing little
>or no resemblance to their counterparts in the western
>hemisphere! Pertinently in India criminals are being 'elected' to
>the Parliament and State Legislatures and also being appointed as
>ministers. Such an event is totally inconceivable in the north!
>Until the promulgation of these two acts, it was the tradition
>and culture of each community which governed marital, conjugal
>and post marital relationships. Even now, both the Hindu Marriage
>Act & Hindu Law make allowances for the customs and traditions of
>communities but in a limited way. Currently in spite of it, Hindu
>men do get married and maintain more than one spouse living under
>the same roof in harmony with their children, sometimes
>elsewhere. In fact three immediate neighbours of this writer have
>two spouses each.
>What is fascinating is that bigamy or polygamy becomes an offence
>under Hindu Law only when one of the wives files a complaint in
>court. In the absence of any protest, the law has no right to
>interfere in any such situation which is therefore condoned.
>It is also not uncommon for couples who have no children, to opt
>for an addition in the family for its furtherance. My own father
>was married to two ladies and for me it was wonderful growing up
>with three parents. My elder mother had actually persuaded my
>father to get married again for the sake of progeny otherwise I
>would never have been born. And amazingly my elder mother was
>more of a mother to me in many ways than my birth mother who
>later turned my most bitter enemy.
>In the west infertility has given rise to the phenomenon of
>surrogate mothers which has given rise to a new discussion of
>ethics and its own problems deriving from mother and child
>bonding! In India too one hears reports of incidents of a woman
>in need of finances becoming a gestational mother for an
>infertile couple. Norms have yet to be laid down in this context
>in India.
>Currently due to the efforts of various NGOs, particularly Mother
>Teresa's Missionaries of Charity, adoption is becoming an
>accepted alternative in Hindu society. The classic example of
>adoption is of course Lord Krishna who was raised by foster
>parents Nanda & Yashoda. His natural parents were Basudeva &
>Devaki. One is mesmerised to see middle aged white couples from
>abroad adopting brown children from such homes and taking them
>back to their countries! For some mysterious reason their doctors
>maintain that a first child born to a lady in her thirties is
>risky both for the prospective mother and child. In doing so
>doctors in the west are actually providing the greatest
>disservice to their own peoples as they are ensuring the
>shrinkage of their native gene pools and the induction of those
> from abroad. This writer always wonders as to how such children
>deal with the issue of ethnicity as they grow up, living in a
>white society speaking and behaving like them! Surely the host
> communities feel the strain of such foreign inductions!
>Currently another problem has come into focus with nuclear
>families. Parents devote the best years of their life to the
>nurture of their children. Once grown up, they leave their nest
>and move away, many to far flung regions of the world. Ageing
>parents are left behind to take care of themselves. This
>suggestion is taken from our own experience at home where my
>birth mother, had cared for her co-spouse, my elder mother,
>sixteen years her elder, during the last year of her life when
>she had become an invalid and later became a living vegetable
>until her demise Dec 98. The suggestion is that a co-spouse could
>certainly fill in the vacuum left behind by the departure of
>adult children and take care of ageing couples!
>In spite of strictures against child marriage, communities
>continue to challenge local administrations who are constrained
>then to acquiesce. Similarly the barbaric process of sati
>continues to be glorified and practised in pockets in India on
>the odd occasion in the name of relidious tradition. Female
>foeticide and infanticide is yet another scourge which needs to
>be seriously addressed. Treatment of widows too is a glaring
>example of how tradition may be used or misused to perpetrate
>human suffering. This is evident from reports dealing with the
>hapless many who have chosen to make Varanasi their homes, having
>been shunned by their in laws all in the name of religion. These
>are issues which Femina can highlight meaningfully compelling a
>national debate.
>I recall my father, an incredible scholar, would on occasion,
>refer to a couple of arcane social principles. One of them was
>'an aryan lady has the right to chose who will father her child.'
>The queens of Dasharatha and Kunti, queen of Pandu are
>outstanding examples of such acts of volition. The other was 'the
>womb of an aryan lady must never remain barren!' This was a
>practice prevalent in India in the past where people would
>cohabit to further a particular end.
>Similarly the Holy Quran permits a person to marry upto four
>times with the rider that he treat each of his wives with equal
>love and affection. There also exists a provision for short term
>marriages termed muttah nikah.
>The Sikh Gurus have enjoined upon their followers to remain
>faithful to their one wife! Even so the famous Maharaja Ranjit
>Singh of two centuries ago had a large harem of queens and
>Currently in India one finds the emergence of the new maharajas
>-- politicians and bureaucrats who consider themselves at liberty
>to indulge in themselves. It is common for them to suitably
>reward their companions for the favours received. Some girls
>would consider it a privilege to thus serve their elders; others
>might do it out of financial necessity! The fact remains however,
>that multiplicity of relationships remains rampant.
>In ancient Egypt too, as researched by National Geographic, there
>is an account of the court of the Pharaoh Amenhotep and Queen
>Nefretiti circa 1326 BC, how daughters of a local vassal king
>Tashoreth [Dasharath?] were sent there as a matter of course to
>serve as mistresses! He was assassinated by his eldest son,
>Ramses [Ram?], who then ascended the throne. Such multiplicity
>also served the important role of cementing relations between
>kings and kingdoms!
>It does need to be remembered however that religious texts of any
>tradition are in themselves a body apart and it is not necessary
>to find a person who claims to be of a particular faith to be
>actually following its purported teachings. Invariably they tend
>to be qualified by the host culture in which a particular
>religion finds its expression. In fact it is now becoming
>apparent that the laity of any particular religion for the most
>part, knows little about the faith it openly professes, people
>invariably remaining content with the label and external
>observances, rather than the content. The latter remains in the
>realm of the religious clergy who are empowered by the laity to
>exercise dominance on them in matters religious.
>Polyandry too deserves mention although I am the least qualified
>to discuss this topic. However it has been noticed in India that
>in the event a lady is married to two brothers or more, it
>actually perpetuates congeniality within the family and the
>conservation of resources. The example of the Five Pandavas comes
>immediately to mind where in spite of their common queen
>Draupadi, each of them did marry at least one other or cohabit
>with another for the fulfillment of a particular purpose. How
>often has it been seen that brothers move apart because of the
>conflicting interests of their wives? Sindhis have an interesting
>take on this in that in a family with two brothers or more, the
>attempt is to find brides who are sisters or perhaps immediate
>cousins in an attempt to promote post marital conviviality.
>Now another concept, that of soul mate which has become passe.
>This refers to a far deeper, profound and meaningful relationship
>beyond monogamy, polygamy and so on! For example Shantanu Rishi,
>it is said, cohabited with a fisherman's daughter Matsyagandha as
>a result of which her body odour was transformed into the sweet
>smell of a lotus and Shakuntala was born. Similarly there exist
>recent reports of ailing spiritual Masters and their in the
>Himalayan Buddhist traditions, of having been healed through
>intimacy with sulakshana ladies. Some terms used traditionally to
>refer to the interplay of masculine and feminine energies are
>yab-yum, shiva-shakti, yin-yang!
>Multiple relationships prior to marriage, while being married or
>divorced and elsewhere, have now become a fact of life
>particularly in the larger cities which cannot but be
>acknowledged. Thanks to the ubiquitous tv, youngsters find
>themselves titillated in a variety of ways leading to premarital
>relationships even in villages. Gynecologists in small towns
>flourish from terminating such pregnancies. In the west this has
>emerged as the norm with the emancipation and empowerment of
>women. The Catholic Church vehemently opposes it and a debate
>between pro-life supporters and those of the woman's choice,
>continues unabated. The process of growing up necessary entails
>the exploring of one's bodies as also those of others, and
>sensuality and sexuality whether at school, college or
>university. This gradually evolves into the search for a life
>partner the Mr. or Ms Right.
>Sex in the work place too is a reality. Whereas there are many
>who might baulk at such relationships, it is common for the
>chemistry of two married people to click at work resulting in
>affairs. The Sunday July 4, 04 edition of Hindustan Times, Patna
>carried an analysis of how ambitious young ladies use the couch
>to further their careers. The film and fashion industries in
>India have long been known for this road map to success. Clearly
>all stops are now being removed. Yet another article in the
>Sunday section of HT July 11, 04 refers to a growing trend
>amongst young ladies to remain independent exploring and enjoying
>life to the full prior to settling down to a married life later
>on in life at around thirty.
>Ladies from respectable families and with plenty of self respect,
>are also making themselves available on call in the larger
>cities. Thus they are able to earn money for their services
>either out of financial necessity, just for the extra pocket
>money or even simply for the fun or experience of it. Reportedly
>many in the metros have made it their livelihood spending their
>weekends with their rich and committed clients. The remainder of
>the week they are free to devote as they will, leading lavish
>life styles!
>The recently released film Julie is a highly sensitive exposition
>on the life of a call girl. It highlights the vulnerability of
>women in Indian society and the manner in which they may be used
>and abused by men, be it at the local level or at that of govt.
>ministers. The script is extremely pertinent. Julie, during her
>tv interview, says that she has actually been buying the
>masculinity of men through her profession while making them pay
>for this purchase. The concluding monologue by the industrial
>baron who justifies his love for Julie and accepts her as his
>wife wraps up the film beautifully conveying a powerful social
>and ethical message. Poignantly he says that these call girls
>perform an incomparable function in society as it is due to their
>sacrifice that the other ladies in society live secure.
>With the disintegration of the USSR, young ladies from the CIS
>countries, where the economic situation is difficult, regularly
>visit the Middle East, India and elsewhere. Offering their
>services and expertise in such matters, they are able to make
>considerably large sums of money within a few months, which they
>then utilise to establish themselves back home. Any male will
>certainly feel the lure to engage with active new partners from
>abroad who would titillate them in novel ways and perhaps
>initiate them into the finer skills not available indigenously.
>Newspapers in India regularly carry reports of such ladies who
>have fallen in the police net perhaps because they were unable to
>satisfy their captors of their needs.
>A survey published in Newsweek recently shows that therapists
>have estimated that almost 40% of the women they counsel have had
>extramarital affairs' and 'that married women often indulge in
>extramarital affairs at the workplace and are meeting potential
>partners on the Internet.' In the UK a phenomenon called Blue
>Toothing has become extremely popular in which casual rendezvous
>are made using mobile phones.
>All said and done, one does hear the refrain from the modern
>Indian that a woman can share everything with another, except her
>husband! For the rich and the poor as also those in between --
>this is an issue relevant to every single person. Paradoxically
>it is this sharing which has kept civilisations intact and
>running smoothly over thousands of years. This purported rigidity
>of the fairer sex, if somewhat relaxed, as has been historically
>the case in India and elsewhere, could certainly enhance
>congeniality in the life of their spouses and create harmony at
>home and in the family with the attributes that nature has
>endowed the two sexes! Even today this liberal perspective
>certainly has its takers in India as also in modern societies
>One is certainly left wondering as to the successful couples and
>people interviewed each week by Simi Garewal as shown in Star
>World, actively participate in extra marital relationships!
>No such discussion can ever be complete sans the inclusion of a
>movement referred to 'broad minded' prevalent the more so in
>metros and some state capitals. This refers to consensuous
>cohabitation between couples. Their methods are varied and can
>range from parties where interchanges are accepted as the norm,
>group participation encouraged, or to arrangements made by mail.
>One such method is to put all the car keys of the party goers in
>a small container and have each lady pick one -- the person who
>is to spend the night with her!
>Clearly the issues involved are extremely varied and complex!
>There are no clear cut answers to these essentially human
>situations! One is certainly left wondering as to whether Femina
>is in touch with reality or living in its own ivory tower!
>Which 'maa kaa laal' can resist the charms of fecund female
>hormones? This really is the bottom line!
>'Blessed is the man who simultaneously enjoys the love of many
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