Wednesday, February 16, 2005

dangers of censorship

the middle ages once again

censorship is based on the prevailing norms/ mores of society
where as art is eternal

Galileo was sentenced to life imprisonment for declaring dat the earth moves round the sun
whereas bible is suppposed to say the contrary

evolution theory of Darwin
was not published for a long time
becoz it was believed dat it was contrary to the bible story about creation

folllowing books have been/ were banned by various states:

satanic verses ....... Rushdie
Lady Chattterlee's Lover
Lajjia ... Bangla Desh
the Kamasutra
the Khajuraho caves depicting sex positions

more later....
please comment
i intend to blast Keshi ......

1 comment:

Jim said...

et tu , Janice ?

dis is the age of internet and google search ... yr kids wont swallow the birds and the bees story no more...

they will think ur dumb if u tell them dis story...

dis old man cannot corrupt the morals of the youth..

dis old man is only giving parental guidance... the same as i give my children...